
Sunday, February 27, 2022

The Ammunition Of Prayer - 1 John 5:14-16

1 John 5:14-16

We as Christians are in a battle for our very souls. The apostle Paul tells us in Ephesians 6:12 that there is a great spiritual war waging around us even as we speak. As such, we are commanded to be warriors in God’s army. Soldiers armed against the Enemy’s attacks, and at the ready with our spiritual weapons. And some of the greatest ammunition we have is prayer.

There are some who definitely have God’s anointing when it comes to prayer. They pray easily, fervently, and persistently. Their prayers are filled with complete assuredness that God will answer their pleas. But for others, prayer doesn’t some so easily. To them prayer may feel awkward, or they worry they’re doing it wrong. Still others are too proud or too ashamed to come before the Lord. But God calls all Christians to pray; with no exceptions. So how do we strengthen our prayer lives and become mighty warriors? 

John tells us that the first step is knowing God’s will. To do this, we need to be reading His Word. For in it He has revealed to us who He is, and what He wants. And the more time we spend in the scriptures, the more in harmony our hearts and minds will be in praying according to God’s will. Next we are to have complete confidence that God not only listens to such prayers, but when they align with His plans, have faith they will be answered every time. 

Prayer is an unbreakable bond between us and God. There is no special formula, ritual, or words that have to be said. All God wants is for us to come to Him in complete and humble faith. Through the blood of Jesus Christ we have unlimited access to the Father and His throne. And He wants to hear from us! James 4:2 tells us we don’t have, because we don’t ask. So today I challenge you to ask! Go to God in prayer. Give to Him your heart and all it holds. And have unshakable faith that if it is His will, He will see it done! 

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