
Saturday, October 30, 2021

Women of the Bible ~ The Shunammite Woman ~ Scripture Saturday ~ Hebrews 10:23


Welcome to Scripture Saturday! 

Our verse for this week is Hebrews 10:23..."Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful."

The Shunammite Woman...a short story found in 2 Kings 4:8-37.  Her story will reveal how deep God's faithfulness God was true to His word, fulfilling His promise to her, and keeping that promise even through an impossible situation. She experienced God's immeasurable loving-kindness and she placed her hope in Him.

We can use her story to remind us that even in the most difficult, most heart-breaking, agonizing circumstances, when you may feel that God had abandoned you, HE HAS NOT.  Trust in Him, in His word and gain assurance from the Shunammite woman. The God who had given her the promise wasn't gone. She confidently knew He wouldn't forsake her.* And we too, can claim His promise, and never lose hope in Him.

Have a blessed week everyone!


*Spangler & Syswerda