
Wednesday, October 27, 2021



“My Lord and my God!

What terrible mistake I made when I answered the king’s petition to come see him and a let my heart fall for him, betraying my husband and offending You my Lord!I I thought that by having the king´s favor it all would be fine.  But I only fooled and defiled myself!  How vile and arrogant we were! How could we believe we could get away with such sin? And this was only the beginning of the spiral of sins that we kept falling into!  After Your prophet Nathan rebuked my husband about our terrible sins, we both repented with all our hearts, our sins were always before us… what could we do to receive Your forgiveness, for were not worthy of it?  But you showed my husband that:

My [only] sacrifice [acceptable] to God is a broken spirit;
A broken and contrite heart [broken with sorrow for sin, thoroughly penitent], such, O God, You will not despise.” (Psalm 51:17)

When the time came, and  I gave birth to our child - the fruit of our sin-  in your Sovereignty, You let him become very ill. Both my husband and I cried out to You, knowing You were the only answer to our affliction

“Be gracious and merciful to me, O Lord,
For to You I cry out all the day long.
Make Your servant rejoice, For to You, O Lord, I lift up my soul [all that I am—in prayer].
For You, O Lord, are good, and ready to forgive [our sins, sending them away, completely letting them go forever and ever]; And abundant in loving-kindness and overflowing in mercy to all those who call upon You.
Hear, O Lord, my prayer; And listen attentively to the voice of my supplications (specific requests)!
In the day of my trouble I will call upon You ,For You will answer me.” (Psalm 86:3-7)


Days went by and our child died! My heart was broken, but my husband gave me the comfort and the peace You had given him through prayer and by the words of Your prophet! And in your loving-kindness in Your time, You gave us the joy of conceiving and giving birth to another baby!   A child loved by You, my Lord!!  My heart if full and rejoices in You with praise::

There is no one like You among the gods, O Lord, Nor are there any works [of wonder and majesty] like Yours.”

All nations whom You have made shall come and kneel down in worship before You, O Lord, And they shall glorify Your name.
10 For You are great and do wondrous works! You alone are God.

11 Teach me Your way, O Lord, I will walk and live in Your truth;
Direct my heart to fear Your name [with awe-inspired reverence and submissive wonder].
12 I will give thanks and praise You, O Lord my God, with all my heart; And will glorify Your name forevermore.
13 For great is Your loving-kindness and graciousness toward me;
And You have rescued my life from the depths of Sheol [from death].

15 But You, O Lord, are a God [who protects and is] merciful and gracious,
Slow to anger and abounding in loving-kindness and truth. (Psalm 86:8-13, 15 AMP)


Mari Salinas

Every Friday we meet for prayer and would love to have you join us.  We meet at 9:00am EST. over at Women in the Word Bulletin Board on our Facebook page.