
Friday, September 10, 2021

Women of the Bible ~ Rebekah ~ Scripture Saturday ~ Hebrews 10:23


Welcome to Scripture Saturday! 

Our verse for this week is Hebrews 10:23..."Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful."

When we look this week at Rebekah's life we will see a woman who was hardworking and generous and a woman whose faith was so great that she left her home forever to marry a man that she had never met or seen.  But we will also see a woman that failed to trust God completely for the promise He had made to her.

If I am honest, my life can seem a lot like Rebekah' times my faith is strong and trusting, but at other times I can take things into my own hands. I "forget" who is really in control.

Rebekah's life lesson is evidence of God's faithfulness. God used a woman whose response to Him was far less than perfect, in order to accomplish His purposes. I am so grateful for a God that is faithful when I am not. I rejoice that He won't wait until I am perfect to involve me in His plans. He is faithful; He promises.

Have a blessed week everyone!
