
Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Women of the Old Testament- Hagar: Praying in Light of Her Story (Genesis 16, 21)


(Genesis 16:10-12, 21:9-21)


I humbly come before you, once again in my affliction. I know I can trust You and You are my only hope! I can remember how you rescued me in the past when I ran away from Sarai and Your angel found me by a well of water in the desert on the way to Shur, and You not only bent down and looked at my distress, but You blessed me and the child in my womb and all my generations, through the words of Your angel! (Genesis 16: 10-12). Since then deep in my heart I recognized you as: El Roi (the Living One who sees me”). (Gen.16:14), because you knew and saw my affliction, and in your mercy you blessed me!

Now again that I have been sent away from my home, and I come before you asking You to look at my heart, which is suffering for the life of my son and mine too: “Hear, O Lord, and answer me. For I am suffering and in need. Keep my life, for I am faithful to You. You are my God. Save Your servant who trusts in You. Show me loving-kindness, O Lord. For I cry to You all day long. Bring joy to Your servant. For I lift up my soul to You, O Lord. For You are good and ready to forgive, O Lord. You are rich in loving-kindness to all who call to You. Hear my prayer, O Lord. Listen to my cry for help. I will call to You in the day of my trouble. For You will answer me…13 For Your loving-kindness toward me is great. And You have saved my soul from the bottom of the grave.

15 But You, O Lord, are a God full of love and pity. You are slow to anger and rich in loving-kindness and truth. 16 Turn to me, and show me loving-kindness. Give Your strength to Your servant. And save the son of your woman servant. 17 Give me something special to see of Your favor.” (Psalms 86:1-7, 13, 15 NLV).

Thank you Father for you did not delay to answer my prayers! As You heard my boy crying You called to me from heaven to comfort me and You opened my eyes to see a well of water for us to drink! And again in your loving-kindness you reminded me of Your promise of making a great nation from my child´s descendants! (Gen. 21:12-21)

I will continue to proclaim that You: “O Lord God of Heaven’s Armies! Where is there anyone as mighty as you, O Lord? You are entirely faithful.” (Psalm 89:8 NLT) Amen !!

Here at WiTW we meet for prayer every Friday and we would love for you to join us. We meet at 9:00 am EST. It is a time of prayer and fellowship.


Mari Sandoval