
Friday, January 22, 2021

Women of the Bible ~ Anna ~ Scripture Saturday ~ Luke 2:37b


Welcome to Scripture Saturday!

Our verse for this week is Luke 2:37b..."She never left the temple but worshiped night and day, fasting and praying."

Anna's life revolved around prayer and fasting in the temple. We will see this week, that Anna's family was God, and her temple was her home, and her prayer was her occupation.  We may not have the freedom that Anna had to spend our entire day in prayer and fasting, but we can find pockets of time to communicate to our loving Father. We can express to Him our inner spiritual needs as we are folding clothes, changing diapers, and making dinner.  I chose this verse because I desire that my hunger to be in communication with my Father increases immensely and my devotion to HIm deepens.

As you are memorizing our verse for this week think upon your prayer life. Let Anna’s prayer life and her devotion to God encourage you.

Have a blessed week everyone!