
Thursday, January 21, 2021

Friday January 22nd - Mary - the mother of Jesus - Prayer


Friday January 22nd-Mary-the mother of Jesus-Prayer

Luke 1:26-55

Young Mary about to be married to Joseph is greeted by an angel because she has found favor with God.  Her life is about to be changed and her response is to glorify God.  


God sends an angel [Gabriel] to Mary who is engaged to Joseph, descendants of David who is a virgin.  The angel greets her saying the Lord is with you.  She is perplexed at such a greeting as this.  He tells her that she has found favor with God.  He tells her that she is going to have a son and she is to call him Jesus.  He tells her about Jesus that He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High and that the Lord will give Him the throne of His father David and He will reign over the house of Jacob forever and His kingdom will have no end.  Mary says to the angel, how can this be, I am a virgin.  He says to her the Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; and for that reason the holy Child shall be called the Son of God.  He goes on to tell her about her relative Elizabeth who is with child in her sixth month.  He tells her NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD.  Mary’s response , “Behold, the bond slave of the Lord; may it be done to me according to your word.”  After the angel left her she departed to visit with Elizabeth and as we have read last week, Elizabeth greeted her with Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb!  And Mary response is what we call the magnificat! 

The Magnificat is a poem of praise to God, praising Him for His blessing to Mary and His faithfulness to Israel. The Magnificat also highlights a series of reversals in which the proud are humbled and the humble are exalted—not the least being a poor young girl who will be the mother of the Messiah.  [Matthew Henry]

·     magnifies and exalts God and rejoices in God her Savior.

· She is humble before the Lord.

· Realizes that she will be counted as blessed and favored by God!

·     That He has done great things for her

·     He is Holy

·     His mercy is upon every generation toward those who fear Him from generation to generation

·     He does mighty deeds with His powerful arm and scattered those who were proud in the thoughts of their hearts.

·     He brings down rulers

·     He exalts those who are humble

·     He fills the hungry with good things

·     He helps His servant Israel in remembrance of His mercy just as He promised to our father, Abraham and to his descendants forever.

O Lord my God my soul magnifies and exalts You Lord.  My spirit rejoices in You, God my Savior.  I rejoice in You, my Lord who blesses me with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places and has forgiven me of my sins.  I am humble in Your sight O Lord, to think that You would even think of me.  You gave up Your life for mine!  My hope is in You my Savior and helper.

You, Who made the heavens and the earth and all that it contains.  You keep my faith forever and You execute justice for the oppressed.  You give food to the hungry and You set the prisoners free.  You, open the eyes of the blind and lift up those who are bowed down.  You love the righteous.  You protect the stranger and support the fatherless and the widow, but, You make crooked the path of the wicked.  You have done mighty deeds with Your powerful right hand.  Your right hand, O Lord, is majestic in power, and shatters the enemy.  You have kept the promises that You made to Abraham and Your mercy is on every generation that fears You.  Your every word proves true and You are a shield to those who trust in You.  You are my strong tower and that I can run into and be safe.
I praise You Lord!  Praise the Lord O my soul!  I will praise You while I live!  It is good to sing praises to You, my God and King!  Amen

How can we be praying for you this week?