
Sunday, February 26, 2023

Spring Cleaning - Psalm 101

Psalm 101, Philippians 2:9-11

Christians around the world are celebrating Lent. Lasting from Ash Wednesday until Easter Sunday, for 40 days ( not counting Sundays) people fast, give up a bad habit, or restrict themselves in some other way. All done with the intent of repentance and restoration. But why do we need a “religious holiday” to lead such a life? Shouldn’t each day be an opportunity to rid our lives from things that cause us to stumble in our walk with God? David thought so. And he gives us sound advice to do just that.

I will give heed to the blameless way.” (Ps. 101:2) - Although we are all sinners who fall short daily, we can still choose to walk a path of righteousness. That means obeying the Word of God, letting Christ shine through us to others, and following the guidance of the Holy Spirit. And most importantly, staying on that path when only God is looking.

I will set no worthless thing before my eyes.” (Ps. 101:3) - Just like we wear sunglasses to protect our eyes from the sun, David warns us to protect our eyes from the wicked things of the world. How often do we see what another has and get jealous? Or how many mindless hours do we spend watching television? And how much time today have we spent scrolling on social media? 

He who walks in a blameless way is the one who will minister to me.” (Ps. 101:6) It’s said we are the company we keep. And although we are to be out in the world spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ, we must be careful. For we are to influence the ungodly. Not to be influenced by them. It’s important our inner circle be made up of people who can encourage and aid us in our Christian walk. 

As a man after God’s own heart, (1 Sam. 13:14) David wanted to lead a life he could be proud of. One that glorified God. That meant behaving wisely, practicing self control, and walking with integrity. We too should have a desire to be free of all the garbage in our lives that keep us from walking closer with the Lord. And as the change of the season is almost upon us, what better time to do some spring cleaning, and sweep out the cobwebs of sin! 

Pause and Reflect -

Reflect on this past week and all of the things your eyes saw. Was anything dishonoring to God? Have you set any guidelines as to what you will and won’t allow your eyes to see?

Do you know people who are “Sunday Christians?” Those walk the walk in church but forget about God Monday through Saturday? Why is integrity so important to the Lord? 

Finally let’s pray together

Our dearest Father in heaven above, hallowed be Thy name. Father, as we sing your praises through the day, as we consider your steadfast love and justice, we pray that you help us ponder the perfect way You have showed us to follow. Help us consider how to love kindness, do justice, and walk humbly before you. Oh Father may this be the motivation behind all we do. Through Your Holy Spirit, give us the power to overcome any wicked desires in our heart that rise against your Holy Name. Father help us fight against all arrogance. For Lord, we want to be poor in spirit, always depending on you. And finally Father, help us to live this day, this week, this life, with integrity everywhere we go. In Jesus precious name we pray, Amen.

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I can’t wait to hear your thoughts, and I pray your day overflows with love and blessings.

💖 Lisa