
Monday, February 27, 2023

Praise Him in The Midst of The Storm ~ Psalm 102

Today's Scripture: Psalm 102 & Hebrews 1:10-14

Let's face it, Beloved, it’s hard to praise God when life is hard, but God wants us to rejoice in Him even when we’re in the midst of trials. 

In the first eleven verses of Psalm 102, the psalmist laments the trials and tribulations he endured. We've all faced hardships at times and can relate to his frustrations and discouragement;

  • Life is like a wisp of smoke (Psalm 102:3.), short-lived, and often carried away by prevailing winds. 
  • Our heart gets broken; our problems weigh heavy on our minds (Psalm 102:4). 
  • We deal with illness and anxiety (102:4-5)
  • Enemies attack us (Psalm 102:8). 
  • We deal with discouragement and depression (102:9-11) 
Life truly isn't heaven on earth for the sins of man have wreaked havoc to everyone on this planet. 

But, there is hope! 
But You, O Lord, are enthroned forever [ruling eternally as sovereign]; And [the fame and glory of] Your name [endures] to all generations. (Psalm 102:12)

In the midst of all the psalmist troubles, he pauses to look up!! Look up!! This is key! Not within, nor around , but UP! 

How good are you with looking up, especially in the midst of your trials?

This life can be challenging, discouraging and  sometimes even scary, BUT it will all change one day. When Christ Jesus returns to collect us and comes to reign for 1,000 years, things will be different.

  • He will have mercy on those living, including those in Jerusalem (102:13).
  • The city that has seen so much bloodshed and unrighteousness will be restored (Psalm 102:14-16). 
  • Jesus Christ shall appear and rule and reign in Jerusalem. (102:15)
  • Prayers of those with little hope will be heard (Psalm 102:17, 19-20). 
  • The Lord will be praised rather than mocked and ignored (Psalm 102:18). 

Finally, a righteous ruler will be in control. Life will be different:

Let this be recorded for the generation to come,
That a people yet to be created will praise the Lord.
For He looked down from His holy height [of His sanctuary],
From heaven the Lord gazed on the earth,
To hear the sighing of the prisoner,
To set free those who were doomed to death,
So that people may declare the name of the Lord in Zion
And His praise in Jerusalem," (Psalm 102:18-21 emphasis mine)

It was these words, "Let this be recorded for the generation to come." that grabbed my attention.

Beloved, when we are struggling in the midst of trials; dealing with illness, anxiety, depression, etc. how often are we inclined to not only look up, but forward? 

I will admit,  when I'm struggling, my focus is on what is going on around me or within - how it is impacting me personally at the moment, which is why I love the message found in this psalm! In short, Beloved, it's not always about you!

Often, we are going through what we're going through at the moment, because of others or God's future plans for us , not the immediate. 

During one of the most difficult times in my life, I cried out to God to find out why He was willing to allow me to go through all I was going through at the moment, and His answer was, in so many words, because He was prepared to bless me in the future. He saw the blessings coming and because of those blessings (Romans 8:28) He could take me through the valley at that time. 

And I can honestly say now on the other side of the valley that the blessings that came cannot even begin to compare to those difficult days. Cannot even compare!!! 

O Father, thank You for this psalm and the message to each of us found here. Father , we rejoice in who You are! We are so grateful that we have found favor in Your sight. We give thanks that we are the apple of Your eye and that You carefully watch over us. Your love will never fail us and You see the plans for us and all generations far into the future! Father, most of all we give thanks that we can trust You in the valleys as well as the mountain tops! Father, You are all merciful, all loving and gracious. We have nothing to fear. Help us in the midst of trials as well as our very best days to look to You and trust in You, always. Amen.

