
Sunday, October 16, 2022

Satan, The Ultimate Social Media Influencer - Psalm 36

Psalm 36, Romans 3:9-20, Colossians 1:13-14

Over the last decade, social media has exploded. In fact it’s estimated that around 45% of the world’s population are active on some sort of social media platform. This has caused a rise in the very lucrative business of influencing. Social media influencers are people who are paid to promote products, companies, people, and ideas. Brands love social media influencers because they can create trends and encourage their followers to buy products they promote. And one of the greatest influencers out there is Satan. 

Social media is the Enemy’s playground. Without restriction or consequences, he goes about influencing the world to be wicked, rebellious, and hostile to God. He spreads lies about the joy of worldly living and the need to “keep up with the Joneses.” To find our worth in followers, likes, and shares. And sadly, many Christians fall victim to his deceit. That’s why it’s so important for us to routinely take stock of our lives and ask ourselves if we’re living for instant gratification, or eternal gratification. 

Instant gratification believes its own hype. It promotes doing what feels good in the here and now, regardless of the consequences. Instant gratification listens to the lying whispers of Satan who tells us that we shouldn’t have to wait for what we want. It has no fear of God, for it hardens the heart and blinds the eyes to the judgement awaiting the wicked. Instant gratification speaks nothing but deceit, refuses to do good, and spends its time devising ways to help only itself. And worst of all, instant gratification joyfully walks the path of destruction if it means getting what it wants. 

But eternal gratification desires to do what is pleasing to God. It desires above all else God’s lovingkindness, and rests in His faithfulness. Eternal gratification knows whatever we suffer before God calls us home, could never compare to “drinking our fill of the abundance” of God’s house. And it thirsts to forever drink from the river of “God’s delights.” Eternal gratification recognizes that true, lasting joy can only be found in dwelling in the shadow of God’s wings. With ears guided by the Spirit, it follows a trend that never goes out of style. The trend of living lives for God. Ones that glorify the Lord, striving to please God and not the flesh. And instead of following influencers, eternal gratification influences the world by spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ! 

Pause and Reflect -

Who is influencing you? Psalm 36:1-4 tells us that sin deceives the sinner by flattering him so that he actively plans and pursues it. Are you actively pursuing God or the world?

Why is the fear of God the foundation for a holy life? How can we fear the Lord while still experiencing His love? What does fearing the Lord look like to you?

Finally, let’s prayer together -

Our dearest Father in heaven above. Hallowed be Thy name. Father we pray for the strength to seek You and not sin. To spend time with You daily, being influenced alone by the truth of Your Word. Father give us hearts that desire all of the eternal good things in which You have promised Your children. We praise you, Lord, for Your immeasurable lovingkindness and immense love. Your righteous character and goodness never change. Your protective presence is our sweet refuge. Oh Father we thank You that You surround us with safety, goodness, abundance, life, and light. The shadow of Your wings is the shelter that our hearts longs for. Father please know we love You, and we pray for Your protection from the Enemy, our pride, the pull of the world, and the sins that easily entangle us. In Jesus precious name we pray, Amen.

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I can’t wait to hear your thoughts, and I pray your day overflows with love and blessings.

💕 Lisa