
Monday, October 17, 2022

Choosing Faith Over Fretfulness ~ Psalms 37

 Today's Reading: Psalm 37 Proverbs 2:21-22Colossians 2:15

Are the events happening around you often unsettling? Do you ever wonder if God is listening? If He'll act, or when? 
Do you ever think that perhaps there might be something you could do to lend Him a hand as though He could use your help? 
I could answer "yes" to all the above at different times in my life, which is why I feel Psalm 37 is so powerful!

Do not fret because of evil men or be envious of those who do wrong;
for like the grass they will soon wither, like green plants they will soon die away.

Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.
Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.
Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this:
He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the
         noonday sun.
Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; do not fret when men succeed in
       their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes.

Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret–it leads only to evil. 
–Psalm 37:1-8

David begins with, "Do not fret" because of what others are doing and I feel right away David must know me so well! I can't count the times I've fretted over what others seem to be getting away with! Or how many times I've wondered what they must be thinking! And, if I'm honest, I can't count the times I've sat here trying to figure out how I might try to lend a hand to help our Lord out, as though He really needs my help! Our Creator needs my help. (sigh).

Thankfully David didn't stop in verse one, but goes on to give us some great advice as to what we can be doing instead of fretting.  He goes on to list eight positives to the one negative instruction in just the first eight verses: 

“Trust in the Lord” (v. 3).

"Do good" (v.3)

"Live in the land and enjoy safe pasture." (v.3)

“Take delight in the Lord” (v. 4).

“Commit your way to the Lord” (v. 5-6).

“Rest in the Lord” (v. 7-11)

“Wait patiently for the Lord” (v. 7)

"Refrain from anger" (v.8)

This  is when I hit my "Aha!" moment. Where are my eyes focusing and where should they be focusing? When I take my eyes off of God and set them on others or circumstances is when my heart can become disquieted. It can be as easy as watching the evening news. I can begin to fret about all I see going on around me and even feel helpless in the situation. 

The blessings begin to come when we realize not only can we trust God during difficult times, but we can also be assured that He understands our situation and feels our pain. And cares about our problems. Furthermore, we can count on the Lord to bless us. (Read the rest of Psalm 37). He will provide for our physical needs, as well as supply spiritual strength and blessings to press on through this life.

My "Aha!" moment came when I realized David here, in Psalm 37, is telling us we all have choices to make. We can choose:

  • Faith over fretfulness
  • Trusting God over doubts.
  • To do good over evil.
  • The spirit over the flesh.
  • Positive thinking over negative thinking.
  • God's Truth over error.
  • Contentment over anxiety.
  • Choose courage over fear.
I'm so thankful David took the time to point all of this out! Aren't you?

So let me ask you:

When current events and the news are overwhelming, how do you initially react? 

Do you take time to be still before the Lord? Do you go to seek His wisdom, understanding and guidance at the onset of trouble?

Let's Pray: 

Dear Father, help us to be still, and to rest in Your love; trusting in Your omnipotent power to handle every situation and circumstance. Teach us to learn to be patient and to give You our anxious thoughts. Help us to turn our faces towards You to focus on Your, strength, light and love. Our Father, we thank You, for being our Refuge and Strength, and our ever-present help in time of need. In Jesus’ holy name. Amen
