
Sunday, October 30, 2022

Hitting The Mute Button - Psalm 46

Psalm 46, Ephesians 2:19-22

I love keeping up on the news, social media, and my favorite television programs. But some days I just want quiet. To silence out the chaos of the world and be still. That’s why my favorite button on any device is the mute button. Because there is something so satisfyingly peaceful about shutting out the noise and sitting in silence. That’s how it is with our relationship with God. Sometimes we can hear and see Him work in powerful, amazing ways that cannot be missed. But often times it’s in the quiet, still moments, those times when we mute the world, that we receive our greatest blessings and most powerful revelations from God. 

The phrase “be still”, comes from the Hebrew word, “raphah.” Translated it means to relax, cause yourself to let go, or to let yourself become weak. And although it seems counterintuitive, it’s only when we deliberately surrender all to God, our fears, worries, and hurt, can we really take control of any situation. For as Isaiah 30:15 tells us, “in quietness and trust is your strength.” When we put God in charge, following instead of leading, we are free to walk through every circumstance with an inner quietness only He can provide. Why? Because just like Moses told the Israelites, “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” (Ex.14:14)

I once heard a minister say that when we fight instead of surrender we are actually sinning against God. For we might not only be fighting a battle which is the Lord’s, but fighting against the Lord Himself! There comes a time to lay down our arms and know that God and His will are Sovereign. To leave the fighting to Him and instead seek shelter in His impenetrable fortress. For He is our refuge, our safe port in every storm. And when we place our trust and faith in The Lord, we can experience peace no matter what comes our way.

Being still takes work. It means muting the world and setting aside time to listen for God’s small voice. And as hard as it may be, being quiet, holding our peace, biding our time, and completely trusting in the Lord. For He is a mighty Warrior who is undefeated in every battle and against whom no enemy can stand. He longs for us to surrender to His ability to care, comfort, and fight for His children. And in return for our faithful stillness, God promises to vanquish every fear and conquer every enemy, flooding our hearts and minds with His all encompassing peace and joy!

Pause and Reflect -

When life is hard, how do you respond?  Do you turn away from God, isolate yourself and try to push through?  Or do you lean into God and pray as if your life depends on it? Are you setting aside time each day to be still? Time when you and God meet, talk, and fellowship?

Are you completely surrendered to the Lord? Are you asking Him to speak truth and shine light into your life? When we ask, God will show us areas where we are not still. Areas where we are in control rather than Him, and areas where we refuse to trust Him or obey Him.  

Finally, let’s pray together,

Our dearest Father in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Father we know You are not blind to the storms that rage in this world. And not just the visible ones, but also the ones hidden in our heart. This world is full of chaos and Father we crave Your peace and safety. We pray for Your refuge and healing strength. When what seems permanent begins to crumble, when devastation ravages the earth, when powers that be claim Your authority, Father may we remember the joy you have set before us. Lord, help us to let go of fear and doubt. Make us still in your waters of gladness. Oh Father we hurry from task to task, from crisis to crisis, carrying the weight of the world. Let us lay down both what keeps us too busy to be still and stillness that is void before You, so that we may lift our eyes to Your glory. And may our focus be on the love and all-sufficiency of You, our Heavenly Father. In Jesus’ precious name we pray, Amen.

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I can’t wait to hear your thoughts, and I pray your day overflows with love and blessings.

💖 Lisa