
Monday, October 31, 2022

He is Exalted! ~ Psalm 47

Scripture Reading : Psalm 47, Isaiah 2:1-5Ephesians 2:19-22 


Think of how excited you are when a long-missed loved one returns home. or the shouts and cheers at a sporting event; can you imagine all those emotions going on when we make it to heaven? Surely our Lord deserves far more than what we see displayed in this life!

But, I don't want you to miss the reason for this praise: “For the Lord, the Most High, is to be feared.” (v.2) Does that seem to you like a strange reason to shout and clap with excitement—the fear of God?

 This psalm is a song of praise of God’s sovereign rule over all the earth. Notice with me, 

  • He “chose” us
  • He “subdued” peoples under us (v.3)
  • We have received an inheritance (v.4)
  • He is “our King,” 
  • He is “the King of all the earth,” (v.7)
  • He “reigns over the nations,” (v.8) 
  • The “shields of the earth (His tokens of victory from battle) belong to God.”
  • All the earth belongs to Him
And we, Beloved, have found favor with Al-mighty God! This is why the author is calling us to praise God—simply because He is God! He is worthy of all our praise!

But also note that our praise does not add to His majesty; it is not for His sake that we are called to praise Him, but our own.

Did you know that praise, joy and enthusiasm is contagious?  Our praise completes our enjoyment of God’s kingship as people in His kingdom. Our praise rises from a grateful heart! 

We cannot help but to praise Him, and in so doing, we share our joy with others, which only adds to our joy and others. 

Beloved, this is the great experience of authentic biblical worship; we together praise God, for He is to be feared as our is our King.

So, let me ask you: 

_ Does praise come easily to your lips? 

_ Does it flow from a grateful heart that cannot help, but praise God?

_ If not, why do you think that it? Unforgiveness? Anger? 

 As I mentioned before praise becomes contagious. Therefore, I'd like to encourage you today to read this psalm to yourself again. Read it out loud. Play your favorite Christian artists as you meditate on these verses. Speak/shout the truths I've listed above --  "He is the King!", "He chose me!", "He reigns over all!" "And has given me an inheritance with His beloved!" ... Shout and give Him praise, for “He is highly exalted”!

And then come on over to WitW and join us in worshiping Him this morning!!

Let's pray:

O Father, I want to worship You this morning, for You are worthy of ALL our praise and worship today and for all eternity. Therefore, I bow before you in reverence. You are the King of kings and Lord of lords. You have dominion over everything in the heavens and on earth. Yet you still care about even the smallest details of my life. That’s why I want to rejoice in you each day. You are worthy!

All glory belongs to you. I come to you in prayer to glorify your name - You are my Abba Father. Your unconditional love for me stretches to the highest mountain peaks and reaches to the depths of the seas. It is beyond anything I can fathom. Your love never ends, and great is Your faithfulness!  I love you with all my heart, soul, and mind! Thank you for your faithfulness that endures forever. In Jesus precious name, Amen.
