
Sunday, September 18, 2022

The Golden Secret - Psalm 16

 Psalm 16, Acts 2:25-34

The internet is a double edged sword. The convenience of having information from around the world available at our fingertips is a wonderful thing. Yet it also brings with it with social media. A place to stay connected with friends and families. But also a place filled with the worst society has to offer. Satan’s playground, social media is often used to divide, silence, defeat, hurt, falsely inflate, and discourage.

I’m the first to admit when social media came on the scene, I jumped in with both feet. I loved being able to get a peek inside the lives of friends, celebrities, and leaders. But then something changed inside of me. Because when I started my own social media pages, it became about keeping up with the Joneses. Getting likes, comments, and affirmations took precedence. And when I didn’t get the response I wanted, I began to feel less than, not good enough, and discontented. And worst of all, I was ungrateful to God.

Life isn’t about popularity, wealth, fame, or accomplishments. And living a life whose happiness depends on impressing others is one destined for failure. Instead, life is all about God. Everything we are, our value, strength, purpose, and abilities all come from the Lord alone. Apart from Him, there is nothing good in us to brag about, nor any deed done outside His will that doesn’t turn to ashes. And it’s only when we have that kind of humility, knowing it’s not us, but God, can we, like David, can find true happiness and contentment. 

I promise you that on the day we stand before the Lord, He isn’t going to ask us about who we impressed or how many followers we had. Rather, He’s going to ask us how we followed Him. Each of us are His precious child. And He offers a beautiful heritage that no one can take away. One filled with the glory of His love, riches, and life eternal. That’s the golden secret! Not what we have or don’t have, or who likes us or doesn’t. But the joy and contentment of knowing who we are in Christ. God’s approval is all we need, and He calls us His own. And because of that, “my heart is glad and my glory rejoices.” (Ps. 16:9)

Pause and Reflect -

How many hours a day do you spend on social media? What happens when you can’t get on the Internet? Are you panicked and have a fear of missing out? How do you think your life would change if instead of mindlessly scrolling through social media pages you intentionally scrolled through the pages of the Bible? 

Where do you find your self worth? Can one person’s comment ruin your entire day? Is the divine validation we receive from God enough, or do you need the world’s to feel valued? 

Finally, let’s pray together,

Our dearest Father in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Father we pray that You would unlock our hearts so we can know our true identity in You. Give us clear revelation to see ourselves the way You see us. Help us to stand in Your truth against all enemy attacks and guard our hearts with all vigilance. Teach us to hear Your voice and not believe the Enemy’s destructive lies about who we are. Father we thank You for our uniqueness and that we are made in Your image. We know that there is nothing good in us. Yet from Your great love Father, You gave us goodness beyond compare by sending Your Son to give us eternal life. We are now heirs to Your kingdom, and called Your beloved. So with hearts of joy and thankfulness, may we do all things Father for Your glory alone! In Jesus precious name we pray….Amen 

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I can’t wait to hear your thoughts, and I pray your day overflows with love and blessings.

💕 Lisa