
Monday, September 19, 2022

A Plea to Be Heard ~ Psalm 17

 Today's Reading: Psalm 17 & Matthew 26:51-56Rev. 22:4

How is your prayer life at the moment? 

David was a man who sought His God often and called on Him in times of crisis. How quick are you to call on God's help rather than trying to seek other means?

When you pray, how confident are you that God will hear you? What if He doesn’t answer your prayers immediately? Are you still confident that He hears you and cares about your desires? 

Psalm 17 is a prayer of David's that is worth turning into a model prayer for all those longing to be found as a woman after God's own heart; similar to us using the model Jesus gave us found in Matthew 6:6-13.

I pray that once we’re finished breaking David’s prayer down today that you will want to come back to Psalm 17 again and again for the rest of your days here on earth and make it your own prayer when a crisis arises. So, let’s get started…

 David Begins by Crying Out

Hear the just cause, O Lord; listen to my loud cry;
Give ear to my prayer, that comes from guileless lips. 
Let my verdict of vindication come from Your presence;
May Your eyes look with equity and behold things that are just.

You have tried my heart;
You have visited me in the night;
You have tested me and You find nothing [evil in me];
I intend that my mouth will not transgress.

Concerning the deeds of men, by the word of Your lips
I have kept away from the paths of the violent.

My steps have held closely to Your paths;

My feet have not staggered. Psalm 17:1-5

 Two things that jump out to me immediately are,

  • David begins this prayer by requesting God’s attention three times in the first verse: “Hear,” “listen,” and “give ear.”
  • David's plea is a righteous plea: "just cause" (v.1), "guileless lips" (v.1), "You find nothing [evil in me]" (v.2) ... 
We know no man, including David is perfect, therefore how is David able to make such bold statements? 

I think we can answer this question in two ways. 
  • First, the innocence that David claims is probably concerning the charges that have been made against him. I believe David is telling the Lord that he has not committed what his enemies charge.
  • Secondly, for us, if we are in Christ Jesus we are a new creation; the old has past away and we are able to come before God in His righteousness. 

Which tells us that before we come before God we should examine our own hearts to make sure that we come before Him with nothing but the righteousness of Jesus Christ Himself. We should ask ourselves,

  • Are our motives pure?
  • Are we being selfish, self-centered, prideful?
  • Have we been disobedient in some way?
  • Have we surrendered our so-called rights to our Savior?
Once we've examined ourselves and found ourselves innocents to the best of our knowledge we are free to approach our Father.  

David's Prayer is Based on Love

I call on you, my God, for you will answer me;
turn your ear to me and hear my prayer.
Show me the wonders of your great love,
you who save by your right hand
those who take refuge in you from their foes.
Keep me as the apple of your eye;
hide me in the shadow of your wings. -Psalm 17:6-8

When we go through times when we feel like everyone is against us, life can seem hopeless. However, our God is a God of hope. He is a God who answers prayers. He is the One who gives us purpose and direction. His love for us means that He will not leave us drifting without hope or purpose.

David Calls God to Action for he Knows only God is Just to Save (Psalms 17:9-14)

They close up their callous hearts, and their mouths speak with arrogance. They have tracked me down, they now surround me, with eyes alert, to throw me to the ground. They are like a lion hungry for prey, like a fierce lion crouching in cover. Rise up, Lord, confront them, bring them down; with your sword rescue me from the wicked. By your hand save me from such people, Lordfrom those of this world whose reward is in this life. May what you have stored up for the wicked fill their bellies; may their children gorge themselves on it, and may there be leftovers for their little ones.

David Closes his Prayer with Hope

As for me, I will be vindicated and will see your face;
    when I awake, I will be satisfied with seeing your likeness.- Psalm 17:15

David knows,

  • He will one day be vindicated
  • He will see God face to face one day
  • He will "awake" from this situation
  • He will be satisfied when he see Jesus. 
Let me ask you:
_What troubles do you face right now? 
_Are you being falsely accused of something?
_What satisfies you these days?
_According to David's prayer what attitude must we carry when we come to God in prayer?

I believe that if we come to God in prayer with a heart of wanting to be found in His likeness, that prayer will not be turned away. David’s prayer is beautiful and shows us how we can boldly approach the throne of God so that we may find grace and help in our time of need.

 Let's pray:

Heavenly Father, hear my heart's cry. Please be my strength. Be my refuge in the storm. Let me hide in the shadow of Your wings. Continually remind me that I am the apple of Your eye! Help me to experience Your presence right now in this moment and cause me to hear Your voice speaking love to me. May I always find rest in You no matter the circumstances surrounding me and who comes against me. May I always look to and lean on You. In Your precious Son's name. Amen. 
