
Sunday, September 4, 2022

My Aching Bones - Psalm 6


Today’s reading - Psalm 6, Hebrews 10:19-22  

One of the things I love most about the Psalms is the way they convey the hurts, joys, hopes, and sorrows of every Christian. And in Psalm 6, the pain David feels resonates deep inside my heart. Because I too know the anguish of sinning against God. The brokenness of realizing what a mess I’ve made, and the despair of the consequences that are sure to follow.

Like David, I have felt the wretchedness that comes from disobedience to God. How the shame literally manifests into physical pain, from deep in my heart to deep in my bones. And the bottomless groaning of exhaustion that comes from crying too many tears to count. For me there is no greater pain then being out of fellowship with God. To be separated, if only temporary, from His presence is agony for my soul. 

But also like David, I trust in the mercy, promises, and love of God. I know that even though I’m not, God is good all of the time. The Lord knows my heart. And when I come bowed before Him in humility, He sees my sorrow. And in my repentance, He graciously welcomes me back to a place I don’t deserve; into His loving arms. Restoring me with all joy and peace, and abounding me in hope! (Rom. 15:13)

Pause and Reflect - Are in you in a place of being separated from God? Have you come before Him in humility and honesty? There’s nothing more that God loves than a repentant and humble heart. And when we acknowledge our wrongs before Him, God is faithful to forgive and restore. (1 John 1:9)

During periods of fear and despair, do you believe in your heart that God will come to your rescue? Hebrews 11:1 tells us that true faith is assurance of things hoped for. No matter the circumstance, are you filled with assurance of God’s delivery? 

Finally, let’s pray together, 

Dearest Father, O how great are you, God? Even though we are fallen beings who fail you daily, You remain steadfast. When we falter, Your love and mercy rescues us from the world, the Enemy, and most of all, ourselves. Father help us to come before You each day with hearts and minds that are humble and repentant. May we approach You with the confidence of David, who knew You love to answer the prayers of Your humble, obedient, children. And may we walk this and every day in fellowship with You. In Jesus’ precious name we pray, Amen!

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I can’t wait to hear your thoughts, and I pray your day overflows with love and blessings.

💕 Lisa