
Monday, September 5, 2022

Making God My Refuge ~ Psalm 7

 Today's Reading: Psalm 7 & Romans 3:23-26

When trouble comes, who or what are you first inclined to run to? Husband? Friend? Parent? or Pastor? Some can turn to other alternatives; food, alcohol or drugs (prescription or not), but David knew where to run and who to turn to, 

Lord my God, in You I take refuge;
Save me and rescue me from all those who pursue me, so that my enemy will not tear me like a lion, dragging me away while there is no one to rescue [me].- Psalms 7:1-2

I grew up in a home that was not walking with the Lord at the time and we were forced to turn to other things to comfort us when trouble came. Things such as food, tobacco, drugs and alcohol. We all had our share of insecurities because we didn't know Jesus, but thanks be to God that in my early twenties I was the first to find Him and subsequently was given the previledge to introduce Him to the rest of my family. 

I can't say that since then I have never turned to others or food for comfort BEFORE turning to the Lord, but I do believe the more I grow to know our Savior and His word, the quicker I come running to Him these days.  

The Hebrew word for refuge is chacah and means “to flee for protection, to confide in, to put one’s trust in.” The dictionary defines a refuge as a shelter or protection from danger, trouble, or to take refuge from a storm. It is meant to be a place of safety, relief, or escape.

Pause to Reflect:

Can you see people seeking relief and escape in other things? 

In the past what have you run to?

If David were here today I believe he would want us to know that:

  • We find refuge when we go to the Father in prayer.
  • We find refuge when we commit ourselves to obeying His Word no matter the cost.
  • We find refuge when we depend on the Spirit of God to lead us, empower us, and sustain us through our trials.
  • And when we find refuge we find p.e.a.c.e for our heart and life.

Therefore I will give thanks to the Lord according to His righteousness and justice, and I will sing praise to the name of the Lord Most High. (Psalm 7:17)

Let's Pray:

O Father, This week we reach into Your Word to find Psalms full of hope and reminders of Your protective hand on our lives. We want to pray these truths over our days, and as a balm to our heart. The enemy has many of us walking around in pain, fear, and isolated from the comfort You freely offer.  May we choose to turn from things that will only offer temporary help to comfort.

Father, come invade our space. Take our guard down to allow You to embrace us in tearful, hard, stressful moments. Your Word promises us that, those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. Therefore, I declare about You, LORD: You alone are my refuge, my place of safety; You are my God, and I  will trust You when trouble comes, for You will rescue me from every trap and protect me from all deadly plagues. You will cover me with Your  feathers and shelter me with Your wings. May Your faithful promises be my armor and protection, and may I remember to run to you and find safety always. It is because of Jesus and all He has already done for me that I pray. Amen. - (Adapted from Psalm 91:1-4)
