
Wednesday, September 1, 2021

EVE-mother of all the living Gen. 3:20


EVE-Mother of all the living

Genesis 3:20

Eve was the first woman, wife and mother.  She was not born and had no father or mother.  She was created from Adam’s rib.  She was flesh of Adam’s flesh and bone of his bones and they became one flesh. The serpent deceived her and she ate from the tree that was forbidden by God to be eaten.  It appealed to her to be good to eat, it was delightful and to be desired.  Sin entered the world.

Father, how could I have taken and eaten from the very tree that You told us not to eat from?  It changed our lives drastically and not for the better.  We were living in a peaceful, tranquil state.  I did not need to worry about anything.  There were no sicknesses, diseases or troubles.  You created us and You were our everything.  We could freely eat from every tree of the garden except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Then this serpent came and enticed me into thinking that something was missing from my life.  I saw that tree and thought well the food looks good to eat and it was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  He said that my eyes would be opened and I will be like You, God, knowing good and evil, so I took and ate and even gave some to Adam. 

From that moment on our eyes were opened.  What a mistake!  For the first time we saw our nakedness. I tried to cover us up and we were so ashamed we hid, when we heard You walking in the garden. 

Even in our disobedience You still loved us.  You made clothes for us to wear and You took us out of the garden so that we would not eat of the tree of life, so that we would not live forever in our disobedience to You. 

Lord You are our Redeemer.  You are the One who rescues us from our sins.  Lord You are gracious and full of compassion, slow to anger and abounding in lovingkindness.  Lord You are good to all and Your tender mercies are over all Your works.  Amen

Every Friday we meet for prayer and would love to have you join us.  We meet at 9:00am EST.  It is a time of prayer and fellowship.