
Wednesday, September 15, 2021


Thursday September 16th-Rebekah-mother of two nations

The Lord said to her,
“Two nations are in your womb;
And two peoples will be separated from your body;
And one people shall be stronger than the other;
And the older shall serve the younger.”Genesis 25:23

Lord,  I never dreamed that I would leave my family so quickly and be united to my husband….it truly was the work of Your hands.  I love Isaac so much and we had no children, and Isaac faithfully prayed and I became pregnant.  I could not understand what was happening in my body as there was a lot of movement going on.  When I asked You, You told me that I was having two children, two nations separated and that one will be stronger than the other and the older will serve the younger.   I loved Jacob more than I loved Esau.  I favored him at a great price.  I even told him let your curse be on me and obey me. Gen. 27:13.  I schemed and planned for him to have the very best.  It brought much conflict and anger to our family, so much so that he had to be sent away lest he be killed by his brother.  I was torn that day that he left, but I still wanted to protect him.  I never saw him again!


As we see in Rebekah’s story she focused her love and attention on one of her sons.  It brought much conflict in her family.  She lied to protect him.  She was disobedient to her husband and it cost her much.  She would never again see her son whom she loved so dearly.

Do you sometimes take matters into your own hands because you are tired of waiting on the Lord?

Do you have an idol in your life that controls what you think and do?

How is your marriage?  Do you respect and honor your husband?  Are you living our I Peter 3?

Rebekah’s marriage to Isaac was the result of God’s providence, her pregnancy was an answer to prayer, and the lives of her sons fulfilled prophecy. Rebekah’s choice to lie and deceive her husband is an example of how wrongdoing in human beings does not thwart the plans of God and how God can ultimately bring about His will, through His mercy and wisdom, despite our sin, see Genesis 50:20 (got questions)

Mari shares her testimony..take time to read it, it will encourage you!

Every Friday we meet for prayer and would love to have you join us.  We meet at 9:00am EST.  over at women in the word bulletin board on our facebook page.