
Saturday, February 20, 2021

The Study of The Samaritan Woman at the Well (John 4: 7-42)


Our memory verse for this week is Psalm 90:14..."Satisfy us in the morning with Your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days." 

Hi Girls!

We're off to study another woman with a very checkered past this week. Probably the most checkered of all the women we will study, as far as we know of. She had an awful lot going against her;

  •  First being a Samaritan - Jew went out of their way NOT to associate with any Samaritan
  • And then an immoral woman- even her own people wouldn't associate with her. 
But Jesus did!

I cannot wait to get into her story! You'll find it here:

Samaritan Woman at the Well: John 4: 7-42

Be sure to study with our themes in mind this week:

  • Monday: Her story--a portrait of her life
  • Tuesday: Her life and times--background information about the culture of her day
  • Wednesday: Her legacy in Scripture
  • Thursday: Her promise--the Bible promises that apply to her life and yours
  • Friday: Her legacy of prayer--and praying in light of her story

We want to also encourage you to be thinking along these lines as you study this week. Ask yourself:

  • What life lessons stand out to me from her life?
  • How does the culture of that day have an impact on her circumstances?
  • What stands out as her legacy ?
  • What's the greatest takeaway/promise from her story?
  • How does her story prompt you in the area of prayer?
All for now! 
I hope you are just as excited as we are to begin this week's study on the life of the Samaritan women at the well! 

We'll see you in the morning! 
