
Saturday, February 13, 2021

The Study of Martha


Our verse for this week is 1 Peter 1:3,

"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In His great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead."

Hi Girls! 

We've now reach the halfway point of our study and I truly hope you've been enjoying learning all we have from each of these blessed saints! I also pray that they have made an impact on your life as they have mine. Just imagine the day when we will be able to meet each one of these precious ladies in person! Do you have your list of questions ready? I know my list is growing. 

OK, last week I confessed that Mary of Bethany is the woman I would most like to emulate in the New Testament. I have always longed to be like Mary, but I think my life tends to be more like Martha so far. Therefore, I hope our study this week will give us great incites into Martha's life and we'll find some endearing qualities that each of us will want to copy from all we learn about her this week! 

Martha's story can be found in:

Luke 10: 37-42

John 11: 1- 45

John 12:2 

As always our themes for the week will be:

  • Monday: Her story--a portrait of her life
  • Tuesday: Her life and times--background information about the culture of her day
  • Wednesday: Her legacy in Scripture
  • Thursday: Her promise--the Bible promises that apply to her life and yours
  • Friday: Her legacy of prayer--and praying in light of her story

We want to also encourage you to be thinking along these lines as you study Martha throughout the week. Ask yourself:

  • What life lessons stand out to me from her life?
  • How does the culture of that day have an impact on her circumstances?
  • What stands out as her legacy ?
  • What's the greatest takeaway/promise from her story?
  • How does her story prompt you in the area of prayer?
All for now! 
I hope you are just as excited as we are to begin this week's study on the life of Martha! 

We'll see you in the morning! 
