
Sunday, February 14, 2021

Martha, The Hostess With The Mostest


Martha of Bethany

Martha woke up early that day for there was much to be done. Soon she would be welcoming her dearest Friend into her home and preparations had to be made. She quickly got out of bed, dressed, and went to the kitchen. Gulping down a few dried figs and a small piece of bread dipped in oil, Martha’s head swirled with the thoughts of the work ahead.

Jesus was coming. And in His honor, Martha was throwing a grand dinner party. That meant food had to made, the house cleaned, and tables set. “No time for daydreaming!”, Martha thought, and the hem of her robe fluttered gently as she rushed room to room, personally overseeing every detail of the nights event. After all, it wasn’t everyday Martha hosted a dinner for her Lord, and she wanted everything to be perfect! 

As the party progressed, Martha took on the task of clearing plates and refilling glasses. She took her hosting job seriously, and made sure no guest went hungry or lacked for good wine. But it was all becoming too much. There were so many people there. Jesus brought with Him quite a large entourage, not to mention Martha’s own invited guests. Working all day and serving all night had finally caught up with her. Martha’s body was exhausted and her nerves raw. As she looked at her sister Mary reclining next to Jesus, Martha felt a lump of resentment rising in her throat. 

“Just look at her! Here I am doing all of the work as she just lies there without a care in the world. What kind of sister does that! And why doesn’t Jesus say something to her? He should tell her to get up and help me. Doesn’t He care either?” That was the last straw. Martha stormed over to Jesus demanding, “Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to do all the serving alone? Then tell her to help me.”

As soon as Martha said the words, she was immediately ashamed. How could she have sinned so openly before her Lord? Why did she let her anger get the better of her? Unable to meet His gaze, Martha stood before Jesus with her head hung in shame. But instead of receiving a scolding, she felt Jesus tenderly place her hands in His. “Martha, Martha”, she heard Jesus softly say. “You are worried and bothered about so many things; but only one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her."

Sheepishly, Martha looked into the the face of her Master. And looking back at her were not eyes filled with condemnation, but eyes filled with love and understanding. Suddenly, Martha understood. Although acts of servitude and humility are important, they should come second to the close personal fellowship that Jesus wants to experience with each of us. Oh how silly she felt. She was so busy sweating the small stuff, so busy playing the martyr, Martha was letting this awesome opportunity to be close to her Lord pass her by. Work would always be there, but Jesus would not. She sat down next Mary and let herself get swept up in the enjoyment of fellowshipping with her beloved Lord, Teacher, and Friend.

Months later Martha’s brother fell ill. She and Mary sent word to Jesus, that He might hurry and bring Lazarus the healing he so desperately needed. But Lazarus died before Jesus arrived. And this time Martha found herself busy preparing for a very different kind of gathering. 

When news came that Jesus was finally nearby, Martha rushed out to meet Him. Standing before Him, her body once again exhausted and her nerves raw, she cried out, “Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died. Even now I know whatever you ask of God, God will give you.” Deeply moved by her agony and her faith, Jesus replied, “Your brother will rise again. I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?” 

Martha didn’t hesitate for a second. Yes she believed Him. She believed Him with every ounce of her being. For Martha saw Jesus perform miracles. She heard Him teach the Word with heavenly authority. She felt the peace and hope deep in her heart that only came from Him. And so she answered, “Yes Lord; I have believed that You are the Christ; the Son of God, even He who comes into the world.” 

Martha’s great belief in Jesus was rewarded that day when her brother walked out of his tomb alive and well! And weeks later when Jesus came for dinner, this time when Martha served, she did so with a grateful heart. For not only had her Lord saved her brother from death, He had taught a valuable lesson. God intends us to use our gifts joyfully, generously, and with attitudes of gratitude for the privilege of working for God’s kingdom. And now with her new changed attitude, Martha truly was the hostess with the mostest!