
Saturday, December 5, 2020

Follow Me {Matthew 9}

Matthew 9

Levi, the son of Alphaeus, was a tax collector who lived in Capernaum. Tax collectors were hated by their fellow Israelites. They were men who worked for the Roman occupiers, collecting money from the people and filling their own pockets on the side. Tax collectors were considered unclean, dishonest, and unredeemable. They lived lavish lifestyles off the backs of their own people, relishing the power they held and the fear they instilled. 

One day as Levi was at His tax booth in the city, a man came up to him and said, “Follow Me!” Without a second thought, Levi got up, walked out, and immediately began following the man. In a single moment, Levi chose to leave everything behind. He gave up his wealth, influence, and comfort without looking back. That was the best decision Levi ever made. For that man was Jesus. And following the Lord gave to Levi a wealth many times greater than what he left behind.

Each of the men Jesus called to be disciples, never once hesitated to follow Him. They didn’t take time to try and clean up their lives. They didn’t take time to wean themselves off the trappings of the world. And they didn’t take time to let go of the people and things of the past for a new and better future. Jesus met them and wanted them right where they were, and in a leap of faith, they answered His call straight away and began a life dedicated to the Lord.

Just as He called the disciples, Jesus also calls each of us. “Follow Me!”, cries the Lord. “Follow Me and I’ll give you heavenly riches greater than the world could ever offer. Follow Me and let My love fill your hearts with a peace and joy that can never be shaken. Follow Me and I’ll give You eternal life purchased with My own precious blood. Follow Me, and help save the world!”

What Jesus wants most of all is to call us His own. To have a close, personal relationship with each of us, and see us spending eternity by His side. Don’t wait to answer His call. Step out in faith, follow the Lord, and receive His immeasurable blessings. When Levi entered the service of the Lord, His life was changed forever. No longer was he known as the despised tax collector hated by his brothers. Instead Jesus gave him the new name of Matthew, meaning gift of God, and he became a mighty disciple of the Lord. And when we too answer the call of Jesus, one day as we stand before Him in heaven, He will welcome us in joy and love, declare us innocent, and give to us a new name known only to God.