
Sunday, November 8, 2020

The World’s Greatest Evangelists {Revelation 11}


Revelation 11

In the previous chapters, we’ve seen God’s wrath unleashed upon the earth through a series of seal and trumpet judgements. Now in chapter 11, we once again are reminded of God’s never ending love and grace; even for a stubborn and unrepentant people.

While the world worships at the feet of the Antichrist and continually rejects Him, God still gives people the opportunity to be saved by sending two witnesses to preach the Gospel in the city of Jerusalem. Bible scholars say these two men are either Moses and Elijah, or Enoch and Elijah. Regardless, these two divine evangelists are so powerful they are called the anointed ones who stand in the presence of God. (Zech. 4:14)

For 3 1/2 years, these two witnesses are under the divine protection of the Father. No harm may come to them while they deliver their message. Dressed in sackcloth, these men go through the city, warning all who will listen to repent from their evil ways. They testify about the true Messiah, Jesus Christ, and offer His gift of salvation. They convict the world of their sins, and their worship of the beast. And once their testimony was been deemed complete by God, He allows the “beast that comes up out of the abyss,” (vs. 7) to kill them. How does the world react to the deaths of these two great men of God? They rejoice. 

For 3 1/2 days the world watches the dead bodies of the two witnesses laying in the streets of Jerusalem, while having a great celebration and exchanging gifts. Then suddenly, “the breath of God came into them, and they stood on their feet.” (vs. 11). Frozen with fear the people hear fear a loud voice cry, “Come up here!”, and the witnesses “went up into heaven in the cloud.” (vs. 12)

At the moment the men ascend, a great earthquake occurs, causing great destruction in the city and the deaths of seven thousand people. And in the midst of the desolation and despair, those who remain alive, in their terror, finally give the great God of heaven the glory He deserves.

Jesus, the conquering Lion of Judah, is returning soon. Yet we needn’t fear the great tribulation. For those who receive Christ as their Savior before His coming, He promises to take in the Rapture and spare God’s wrath to come. The choice is yours. Will you be watching the events of the tribulation at the side of Jesus, or will you be experiencing the judgements of God on a devastated earth.