
Monday, November 9, 2020

Protected in the Wilderness 《Revelation 12》

 Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Revelation 12

At the time I am writing this, there is a lot of speculation going on right now between the election and the pandemic.  It appears to cause people stress and anxiety.  As a Christian, these issues should not cause us to feel these things at all.  Easier said than done, right?

I want to share the first thing I discovered about what God does for the woman in this chapter.  He prepared a place for her!  Why would we be worried about what is going on here on earth?

What else are we told in this chapter?  Satan leads the whole world astray (v. 9).  We have known Satan is clever and the accuser, right?  Here is some helpful information to learn more about Satan's plan.

I used to struggle with understanding the book of Revelation, but now I see it much more clearly and look forward to learning how to navigate the times we are living.  I realize I've included some links to help anyone dig deeper and it may take you a bit longer to read this post, but I think they are worth your time reading.

I just love that we have a Heavenly Father who is preparing a place for us, free from the evil of this world.  But while we are here, all of His creation is good and He provides for all of our needs.

All of this turmoil we have witnessed this year can be summed up in verse 17 of this chapter, 17 Then the dragon was enraged at the woman and went off to wage war against the rest of her offspring—those who keep God’s commands and hold fast their testimony about Jesus.

We have the best manual to use for this life.  It's the best self-help book out there.  If we truly believe, we will run to our bibles to seek wisdom and comfort.  

Throughout the old testament we read about the Israelites being in the wilderness, but what I think some of us miss along the way, is how this was all God's plan.  This was His place for them to learn their heart condition.  Who were they aligned to?  He was with them in the cloud during the day, and the fire at night.  

We too are in the wilderness.  2020 has been packed with a lot of stuff.  In some way, shape, or form, we have been affected by this year.  How could we overlook God?  How could we even remotely think this was not in His plan?  How could we not seek Him first?

I discovered this post while catching up of this chapter.  

