
Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Power Found in a Whisper {1 Kings 19}

Scripture Reading: 1 Kings 

Have you ever gone from the greatest "mountain top" experience to the deepest valley over night? It seems like that is exactly what happens at times; one moment you're rejoicing and in absolute awe and the next day it as though you've had the carpet pulled out from under you! 

Elijah knows all about that! We find Elijah coming from being part of the most amazing displays of God power in 1 Kings 18, to running from the Jezebel's threats and wanting to die! Can you imagine? Have you ever felt like Elijah? Have you ever wondered why?

It’s clear from Elijah's conversation with God that he thinks God has abandoned him in spite of his efforts for carrying out God’s plans and all the miracles he has performed through God's power.
Have you ever worked so hard, and still not seen the results you expected to see? Ever felt like giving up and in? "No one care, no one is interested...why bother?"
I think Elijah’s response to God’s question, “What are you doing here?” indicates his disappointment that all his efforts on Mt. Carmel didn’t produce the results he thought would come about. Elijah had hoped that revival would break out among the Israelites; that they would repent and turn back to God.
BUT nothing changed among the Israelites despite all God had done through Elijah!

 God then gives some amazing demonstrations of His power over nature: a powerful wind, an earthquake, and a fire. Wind, fire, and earthquakes were all recognized as signs of divine revelation, so it makes sense that God chose to reveal Himself in connection with those things. 

But God shows here that he is not in the wind, or the fire, or the earthquake itself. Instead, God speaks to Elijah in a gentle whisper.  And Elijah covers his face, knowing he is in the presence of Almighty God.

What was God's message to Elijah through this powerful demonstration? 

It honestly didn't take me very long to figure it out, for I've experienced those same disappointments at times. Please don't misunderstand, I'm not in the same league as Elijah, but I think all of us who serve God hope that our efforts will produce certain results and when those results don't happen...

It seems that God wanted to teach Elijah, and all of us who serve, pray, and minister in God’s name an important lesson.  Sometimes God Whispers…

In this tender way God demonstrated that He reigns! The God who speaks gently with a whisper is the same God who can tear mountains apart and break down evil. So when He asks Elijah again, “What are you doing here?” He is conveying His plans to continue to bring His kingdom into this world, and use Elijah and others to do it! 

Our God reigns over the wind, fire, earthquakes and in the gentle whispers! His plans will prevail, and yes, He calls us to work with Him. His desire is for us to be willing, surrendered and ready to leave the results to Him. 

