
Tuesday, September 3, 2019

God' Waiting Room {Proverbs 13:12

Have you ever sat in God’s waiting room for something you wanted so desperately it was hard to put it out of your mind?

It was always there… a scent, a sound; something would always draw your mind back to that longing. “O, if only…if only, but I’ll trust you, Lord.”

You’re never quite sure if He’ll answer this incredible desire you have. There’s really no Scripture you can find to nail down just why The Lord MUST answer this particular desire of your heart, and even if you could, what about the timing? What if He decided to make you wait for YEARS!? I don’t know about you, but I’ve never been great on waiting patiently.

And I didn’t always handle the situation as I should have. 
I was trying to “put my best foot forward”. Trying to leave it all with Him, and go on with all that He had set before me, but as I alluded to before, something would always draw me back to that desire deep within me, until one day, I didn’t think I could go any further.  Nor did I want to.

I’m still not sure what I had planned to do from that moment on as I sat there on my living room floor, but thankfully I didn’t have to sit there long and try to decide! 

Another wave of reality had just struck that made it seem as though this desire of mine would NEVER come to be, and I didn’t think I could go on pretending to trust Him for the impossible any longer.

And all I wanted to know at that particular moment was, why? Why was I here in this spot and at this time? Why hadn’t He answered? Why had He kept leading me on in this hopeless situation? Why had He taken away most of what I loved in this world? Sounds pretty much like a pity-party doesn’t it?

It was! And I told The Lord I was giving in and up. Finally, I was wholly surrendered; my resources –depleted. And He answered back, “You will get up. But this time in the power of My Son, the risen Savior; who rose to live His life through you.”

And I did! Although not me, but Christ in me. I learned that day the vast difference between me trying to do everything in my own strength, and wholly surrendered to allow Christ to do it all through me! You cannot even compare the two! My circumstances hadn't changed, only Who was in charge!

As to why God was waiting, silent, and allowing me to go through all that I was: He said it was because He was going to bless me! He saw the future; not just the next day, or year, but my entire life, and He knew the blessings that were coming!

My life, has been a living testimony to Ephesians 3:20-21,
Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever.  (Eph 3:20-21)

It was over two years from that day that my longing that had sent me before Him that day desperate, was answered! And on that day it was Proverbs 13:12 that came to life for me, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.”

If you still find yourself in God’s waiting room. Trust Him that He sees your whole life before Him and does indeed intend to do "far more abundantly beyond all that you could ask or think, according to His power working in you", in His time.
