
Monday, September 2, 2019

Celebration {Genesis 18:1-10}

A while back, I went to mass not expecting what I’m about to share.  I knew our first topic was celebration and I had a plan to begin this week researching and writing. 

The morning before mass began with finishing up my readings in the book of John.  I had been struggling.  I have been in a season of letting go.  I have a very difficult time “letting go and letting God.”  I have great ideas and I like to help!  But as I sat in church without any expectations God showed me how BIG He truly is and gave me something to celebrate.

In the Book of Genesis, up until the 18th chapter, Abraham and Sarah were still waiting for their promised son.  They were old and barren and they had “helped” God out with His plan.  Out of nowhere, three people suddenly appear at their tent in the heat of the day (18:1-2).  Abraham began to serve them.  I learned that in the days of Abraham, showing hospitality is an immediate and practical way to obey God.  These three people who show up represent the trinity – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Have you ever felt barren?  Like nothing was ever going to change?  You are stuck in a cycle of repeating events – one appliance after another breaks down.  And each time you look at your bank account, it’s just not quite enough to cover all of your expenses.  Or perhaps you’ve been praying for someone, for years!  And nothing has changed.  They are still committing the same ole sins they’ve been doing for years and you’ve returned to Jesus wondering why?  Then you find the time to put your feet up – it’s the hottest day of the year, and you just want to wait it out, and people show up – unexpectedly – and now you have to cook and prepare for them.

Ladies, we all need to be prepared for the Lord to show up!  Our expectations are to be in Him.  His blessings are abundant when we wait – and they are worth celebrating!

Paul tells us in Colossians 1:24 to rejoice (celebrate) in our sufferings.  And Jesus told Martha in Luke 10:41, “you are worried about many things, but few things are needed – or indeed only one.”  Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”

It’s been a few weeks since I heard this message, and I have been fed far more than I ever expected.  God always shows up in places and times we least expect.  Rejoice!  Be glad.  And leave on the altar all that frustrates you.  He knows.  He sees.  Ask the Lord to remove what is in your heart that causes fear, guilt and shame.  And He will!  He will give you a reason to celebrate!

Image result for colossians 1:24