
Friday, August 16, 2019

Tell Your Story

In Mark 16:15, Jesus commands His disciples, “Go into all the world and preach the the gospel to all creation.” This is a command He gives to us as well. But witnessing isn’t always easy. And you’re anything like me you can come up with a million reasons why it’s better to leave that job to others.

I used to tell myself things like, “Who’s going to listen to me?” Or, “I don’t know enough scripture to counter any objections.” And, “I don’t feel comfortable talking with people, I’m too introverted.” Then I realized two things. First, if I love God then I should want His will to be done. And His will is, “not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance.” (2 Pet. 3:9) And second, it isn’t as complicated as I made it out to be. 

God hasn’t given everyone the calling of being a preacher. But He has given us all the calling of sharing our stories. And there is no greater testimony than when we share our hearts, our love for God, and all that He has done in our lives. But still you may be saying to yourself, “Will my story really have any effect or change a heart?” To that I say, think about the demoniac in Luke chapter 8. 

After being healed by the Lord, Jesus commands him to return home and tell everyone about what God did for him. (Luke 8:39) And so he went about telling his story to all who would listen. And the result? When Jesus returned several months later, thousands came to hear His teachings. Who knows how many of those came because of the story of the demoniac and how his life was forever changed by the love of God.

It isn’t our job to save souls, but it is our job to plant the seeds. So go and tell your story to all who will listen. And on that glorious day when we meet Jesus face to face who knows, we may just meet others there who because of our testimony gave their lives to God! And won’t it be wonderful to hear our Savior say, “Well done good and faithful servant.”