
Sunday, April 2, 2023

Sowing In Tears, Reaping In Joy - Psalm 126

Psalm 126, 2 Samuel 5:17-25

Easter is one of my favorite times of year. Because it’s a season of reflection, renewal, and rebirth. Christians around the world celebrate the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. While equally joyous Jews, celebrate the wonderful feast of Passover, thanking God for their freedom from Egypt. Both celebrations are rooted in joy and gratitude. Psalm 126 is also rooted in joy and gratitude. And contains some lessons we can reflect on as we commemorate this most holy holiday.

Gratitude for deliverance - “The Lord has done great things for us.” Even though the Israelites remembered the pain and sorrow of their captivity, they could now laugh and sing. Because they knew it was the Lord who brought them out of slavery and restored their fortunes. We too should be filled with gratitude for the good things in our lives and the ways God has delivered us from past troubles.

Perseverance in difficult times - “Those who sow in tears shall reap with joyful shouting.” Because of all they endured, Israel went through a period of weeping and sowing in tears. But their perseverance ultimately led to a period of joyful harvest. Difficult times will come for us all. But if we remain steadfast and persevere, God will take the seeds of our tears and make them blossom into enormous joy. 

Trust in God's promises - “He who goes to and fro weeping shall indeed come again with a shout of joy.” Even as they were forced into captivity, the Israelites never gave up hope that God would fulfill His promise to one day restore them to their land. And had faith in His ability to continue to bless them in the future. We too can trust and have faith that as our heavenly Father, God will always provide for the needs of His children.

As we head into Holy Week, and follow the footsteps of Jesus to the Cross, Psalm 126 encourages us to trust in God's faithfulness and provision, even in difficult times. Our present struggles are not the end of the story, and God can bring beauty and joy out of even the darkest situations. All we need to do is sow seeds of faithfulness, even when it involves hardship, and trust in God's promises of restoration and redemption.

Pause and Reflect

In the midst of troubles do you live in fear and worry, or do you find comfort remembering the times God has delivered you in the past? What are some situations in which we might find ourselves "sowing in tears" and hoping for a “bountiful harvest?”

Lets Pray Together -

Our dearest Father in heaven above, Ruler and Creator of all things, hallowed be Thy name. Father we come before You with grateful hearts. We thank You for Your faithfulness and the joy that comes with the restoration of what was once lost. Father we ask that You bring that same joy and restoration to our lives. Whether we are in a season of captivity or simply feeling lost and discouraged, we know that You are a God of redemption.  Help us to trust in Your plan for our lives, knowing that you work all things for good. May we be a people who sow seeds of faith and obedience, even in difficult times. And as we wait for the harvest, may we continue to trust in Your unfailing love and provision. In Jesus precious name we pray, Amen. 

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I can’t wait to hear your thoughts, and I pray your day overflows with love and blessings.

💖 Lisa