
Sunday, April 23, 2023

I Call To You, Lord - Psalm 141

Psalm 141, John 17:17-19

One of the things I love most about the Psalms is the beautiful imagery David uses to express his feelings about God. And there isn’t a more glorious picture he paints then our arms raised to the sky in worship. And our prayers ascending to heaven in the cool of the evening, rising like a sweet-smelling fragrance to our Heavenly Father. David knew that prayer is a powerful tool to connect us to God. To bring about change in our lives, and to receive God’s blessings, love, grace, and guidance. But more than just the beauty and power of prayer, this Psalm also has wisdom we can apply to our daily lives.

1. Our dependence on God - Not a single second of a single day goes by where we don’t need God in our lives. We are weak and vulnerable, and apart from Him, we can do nothing. (John 15:5) And so humbly and thankfully, we need to acknowledge the Lord as Sovereign in our lives and turn to Him in times of trouble.

2. The danger of temptation - Even the strongest Christian can fall to the lure of sin. That’s why we need to be vigilant about recognizing and resisting temptation in our own lives. And when we feel the pull of sin taking hold, ask God to help us. For He will provide all we need to endure, overcome, and escape. (1 Cor. 10:13)

3. Trust in God's justice - It’s frustrating to see the wicked prosper. But we serve a just God. (2 Thess. 1:6) And we can trust that in His perfect timing He will bring about perfect justice to punish the wicked. And one day very soon, God will ultimately set all things right and bring about a world of peace and righteousness.

The days are growing darker. And as the time hastens until the soon return of the Lord, we need now more than ever to draw near to God. To lead dedicated prayer lives, have eyes open to the evil around us, and to trust the Lord completely in times of trouble.

Pause and Reflect

How can I deepen my prayer life and connect more deeply with God? What are the areas of my life where I am most vulnerable to temptation, and how can I seek God's help in resisting these temptations?

Lets pray together

Our dearest Father in heaven above, Ruler and Creator of all things, hallowed be Thy name. Father we come before you in humility, recognizing our need for Your help and protection. We ask that You would hear our prayers and guide us in our journey of faith. Father help us to resist temptation and to stay on the path of righteousness. Protect us from the lure of sin and help us to remain vigilant in our walk with You. Above all, Father we ask that You would draw us closer to You. And may we always turn to You in times of trouble, trusting  in Your perfect justice and mercy. In Jesus precious name we pray, Amen.

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I can’t wait to hear your thoughts, and I pray your day overflows with love and blessings.

💖 Lisa