
Sunday, April 16, 2023

God’s Lovingkindness Is Everlasting - Psalm 136

Psalm 136, Matthew 5:44-45

Psalm 136 is one of my favorites, because it’s a summary of the entire book of Psalms. And its message, repeated 26 times, is this. God’s lovingkindness is everlasting. What a beautiful promise we can carry in our hearts! And what a beautiful song to sing no matter the circumstances we face. Because it’s a powerful reminder that God’s goodness and love aren’t limited by time or circumstance, but are boundless and unending. And most wonderful of all, offered freely to all who call on Jesus as Lord. So in response to the God’s faithfulness, how should we be living our lives as Christians? 

First and foremost, we are to lead lives that are thankful for God’s lovingkindness. Because every good and perfect gift comes from Him alone. (James 1:17) And even if we aren’t in the best place in our lives, there is always something to be grateful for. So from the moment we awaken until we close our eyes at night, our lips should be giving thanks to God for all that He does, and all that His is. 

Next we are to lead lives that trust in God’s lovingkindness. Even when the world tells us otherwise, we know that nothing is impossible with God. (Luke 1:37) He is always in complete control, working all things for our good. (Rom. 8:28) And nothing happens to us without His say so. We can trust in Him to guide and protect us. And because of His great love, we can rely on the Lord to provide for all our needs. 

We are also to lead lives that are telling the history of God’s lovingkindness. One of my favorite quotes says that we may be the only Bible someone reads. And since our hope comes from God’s Word, (Rom. 15:4) part of sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ includes sharing the rich history of the Bible. Because there is no greater story of love than how God chose and redeemed His people. And how that redemption is available to all. 

And finally we are to lead lives that are sharing God’s lovingkindness. God’s love isn’t to be kept hidden away in a secret place in our hearts, reserved for us alone. Instead it is to be on full display for all to see. For we are commanded to love others as God loves us. (John 15:12) And nowhere is God’s love greater exampled than when what we what say, how we live, and how we care for others lines up with the way the Lord does. 

David was quite the poet. And this Psalm is no exception. It’s full of hope and comfort to a lost and hurting world. For it contains the blessed promise that God's love and mercy remain steadfast. Demonstrated most of all through His Son, Jesus Christ, who shed His precious blood to provide eternal life to all who believe in Him.

Pause and Reflect

In what areas of my life do I struggle to trust God? How can I work on developing a deeper sense of trust and reliance on him? How does remembering the history of God's faithfulness in the Bible strengthen my faith and encourage me in my walk with God?

Lets Pray Together -

Our dearest Father in heaven above, hallowed be Thy name. Father we come to you with hearts full of gratitude and praise. We thank you for your steadfast love that endures forever, and for all the ways in which you have blessed us throughout our lives. Father help us to trust in you, even in times of trouble or uncertainty. Strengthen our faith and help us to rely on your guidance and protection. And Father we also pray for unity and community among your people. Help us to recognize that we all share in your love and grace, and to work towards building relationships that reflect your goodness and love. In Jesus precious name we pray, Amen.

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I can’t wait to hear your thoughts, and I pray your day overflows with love and blessings.

💖 Lisa