
Sunday, April 30, 2023

Giving God The Glory (letet kavod le'Elohim) - Psalm 146

Psalm 146, Romans 8:32

What a journey it’s been going through these songs of David. And there’s no better way to end our study than with these final Psalms of praise. Many are the reasons to give God the glory. Creator and Ruler of all things, He champions the weak, fathers the orphans, heals the afflicted, and blesses all who put their hope in Him. Everyday there are reasons to give thanks to the Lord. And God covets the praise of His people. But not for His benefit. For ours.

Why does God tell us to give Him thanks in all things? (1 Thess. 5:18) In memory of Dr. Charles Stanley, I’d like to share some of his wisdom on the subject. “It’s because praise is the clearest and most direct means by which you declare your dependence on God. It repeats your trust in Him in the midst of darkness. It confesses your allegiance and devotion to the One who was crucified for you and to whom you are eternally joined.”

For me, no matter how low I feel or bad the circumstance, nothing soothes my soul like giving glory to God. It brings peace to my troubled mind. Joy to my hurting heart. And brings me close to my Abba, Father, who welcomes me with open arms of love. Most of all praising the Lord humbles me. For it reminds me of how much I fail God daily and still somehow, He wants me anyway. How could such an amazing and unmerited love not make my heart burst with songs of worship and thanksgiving!

There’s no quicker way to grow in our walk with God than to live a life of praise. Because it motivates us to live the way Jesus teaches, makes us desire to put Him first in our lives, and soothes even the deepest of hurts. David was considered a man after God’s own heart because of His devotion to God. In good times and bad, peace and turmoil, sorrow and joy, the first thing David did was seek God. When we too seek God first with everything we have and are, have absolute, unwavering faith, and follow Him joyfully, we will be counted as women after God’s own heart.

Pause and Reflect

Why do you praise God? How does praising God help us focus on Him instead of our circumstances? How can praising God help us in times of difficulty or suffering?

Let’s Pray Together,

Our dearest Father in heaven above, Ruler and Creator of all things, hallowed be Thy name. Father, we come before You with humble hearts, recognizing Your greatness and majesty. We thank You for Your faithfulness and goodness, and are grateful for all that You have done for us. Father we praise You for Your infinite wisdom and power, and for Your unfailing love and grace. You are the Creator of the universe, and yet You care for each one of us with a tender and compassionate heart. Finally Father may our hearts overflow with gratitude as we reflect on all that You bless us with, and may our lives be a reflection of Your love and grace. In Jesus precious name we pray, Amen. 

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I can’t wait to hear your thoughts, and I pray your day overflows with love and blessings.

💖 Lisa