
Thursday, February 2, 2023

Friday Feb. 3rd-Psalm 85- Revive us again!

Of all of the psalms in the bible, eleven are attributed to the sons of Korah. These beautiful psalms express a spirit of great gratitude and humility to an awesome, mighty God. They express a longing for God and deep devotion. And in His Word we see time and time again how the Lord revives and restores His people. 

Revives - chayah, meaning to live

Restore- shuwb, meaning to turn back, return, or to go back and do again. God’s call was persistently for His people to return to Him.

When the people repented, God showed favor to His land. He restored the captivity of Jacob and forgave the iniquity of His people. Because of His mercy, He covered all their sins, and withdrew all His fury and burning anger from them.

Can you see where in your life He has revived and restored you? I like to keep a journal of what He shows me, because all too often I forget. It is refreshing to see what He has been doing in my life, and encourages me to persevere.

"Restore us again, God our Savior, and put away your displeasure toward us. Will you be angry with us forever? Will you prolong your anger through all generations? Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you? Show us your unfailing love, Lord,
and grant us your salvation." (Ps. 85:4-7)

Are we not like that, wondering will He revive and restore us?  Do we not cry out to Him time and time again to come and rescue us? How easily we forget that He never leaves us nor forsakes us.  He works all things together for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.

This year the Lord has given the word PEACE. Some scriptures to reflect on and meditate on.                                                     

John 14:27-He leaves Peace with us

John 16:33-In Him we have Peace

Num. 6:24-27-He gives us Peace

Psalm 34:14-Seek Peace

Is. 26:3-Keeps us in Peace

Phil. 4:7-Peace that passes all understanding

Do you have Peace?  Do you live in constant worry and fear?  Do you spend time each day with Him, just you and Him in His word?  Where is your Peace?

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them. Ephesians 2:10

Abba Father, You who knit us together in our mother’s wombs are intimately acquainted with us.  There is no where that we can go that You are not there.  You promise never to leave us nor forsake us.  We live in a troubled world and yet Your word says that we can have peace.  Help us to keep our focus on You Jesus and not on what the world thinks or our difficult circumstances.  Remind us of what You have done and are doing in our lives. We want Your peace that passes all understanding that guards our hearts and mind in Christ Jesus!  Bless us and keep us, make Your face to shine upon us and be gracious to us.  Lift up Your countenance on us and give us Your peace.  In Jesus name, Amen!
