
Sunday, February 12, 2023

Abiding in the Shadow of God - Psalm 91


Psalm 91, James 1:11

We have two red maple trees in our front yard. Not just beautiful to look at, they provide a strong fortress for all who dwell within their thick leaves and branches. And on a hot August afternoon, the cooling shade they offer is a blessing of refuge for all who rest in their shadows. When the temperature of life gets too hot to handle and we’re in desperate need of relief, we too have a shadow to run to. A place of comfort where we can rest and shelter in safety. The shadow of Almighty God.

This world is full of troubles. And sadly many seek shelter through alcohol, drugs, food, relationships, or money. But these worldly sanctuaries are nothing more than paper houses that blow away with the first wind of danger. It is only when we abide in God will we find a fortress so secure, no evil can penetrate it. For He is our perfect security and refuge. His faithfulness is an impenetrable wall and our shield against all enemies. And in His presence alone can we dwell in perfect safety.

This beautiful assurance we have from God isn’t  because we are good and deserve it, but because He is. And from that goodness the Lord promises to answer every plea, every call, and every cry. He will never forsake nor abandon us. Nor will He fall short or fail to show up. He alone is worthy of our complete trust. The Lord loves us so much, He sends His angels to guard and protect us. And because of our love for Him, in times of trouble God will not only rescue us, but set us securely in a high place of honor.

As Valentines Day approaches and love is the focus, there is no greater love to be celebrated than the one God has for us all. Even though we don’t deserve it, each day our Lord showers us with His grace, love, and blessings. Not because we are especially lovable, but because God is love! And it is in that great love where He demonstrates daily His amazing lovingkindness, and truth. If not for His example, we would never know what a true perfect love looks like! 

Pause and Reflect -

What does it mean to dwell in the shelter of the Most High? In what way is God your refuge? What difficulties are you facing now that you can trust God to help you with? What will you do differently in the face of these difficulties if you are trusting in God?

Let’s Pray Together

Our dearest Father in heaven above, hallowed be Thy name. Father we thank you that no matter what circumstances invade our lives, there is no evil or harm that the Enemy can inflict except as You permit for our good and Your glory. We thank You that as Your children our times are in Your hands. And we pray that we may draw closer to You, day by day, and abide under the shadow of your protective wings of love. Father help us to live a life of faith and trust in You as our Refuge, our Fortress and the God in Whom we trust implicitly. In Jesus precious name we pray, Amen.

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I can’t wait to hear your thoughts, and I pray your day overflows with love and blessings.

💖 Lisa