
Sunday, February 5, 2023

A Passionate Prayer - Psalm 86

 Psalm 86, John 2:19-21, Revelation 15:3-4

One of the greatest gifts God gives to us is prayer. The awesome privilege of being able to come before our Creator anytime, anywhere. And David used this gift often. Many times he found himself on the brink of death, in despair, and facing defeat. And just as many times he came before the Lord in prayer. 

Why? Because David knew the way to win any battle was on his knees before God. And as a passionate seeker of the Lord, David also understood that prayer is so much more than just for asking God for a favor. Prayer is about relationship, faith, and unity. 

Relationship - “Give ear, O Lord, to my prayer.” From the moment He created us, God knows every need we will ever have. (Matt. 6:8) So why do we have to ask? Because what God wants most of all is a close, personal relationship with His children. And when we come to Him vulnerable, hurting, and in need, we establish an intimate connection that can be found with no other.

Faith - “I shall call upon You, for You will answer.” To pray takes faith. Pride tells us we handle anything on our own. That we have the best solutions to our problems. But faith tells us God is in control. That He uses all things for our good, (Rom. 8:28) and His way is always best. Praying for God to intervene shows we trust He will answer, and in His perfect ability to help us. 

Unity - “Unite my heart to fear Your name.” David, like all of us, repeatedly fell into sin. Yet even though he at times wandered,  David never lost his passion for seeking God’s heart. (1 Sam. 13:14) And so often David prayed to return to doing what God wanted him to do. To have a heart undivided, devoted to the Lord alone. And to live a life that glorified his Father in heaven.

David was a passionate prayer warrior. And he’s in some good company. For one of my favorite quotes is by Abraham Lincoln in which he says, “I have been driven many times upon my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had no where else to go.” We serve a gracious God. One who is slow to anger, and overflowing with lovingkindness, mercy, and truth. (Ps. 86:15) And most of all, One who longs to hear from me and from you. 

Pause and Reflect -

Has pride ever kept you from praying to God? What has happened when you relied on your own strength to meet your needs instead of God’s? How’s your prayer life? Do you come to God throughout your day? He’s always ready to listen! 

Finally lets pray together, 

Our dearest Father in heaven above, hallowed be Thy name. Oh Father we thank You for Your grace and mercy. For You are gracious and good, giving Your abundant love to the one who is poor in spirit. How awesome it is that You, our Father who wants for nothing, wants to hear from His children. So Lord may we come to You often in prayer and with open hearts, eager to receive Your love, power, wisdom, and provision. May we trust Your listening, attentive ear. And may we rely on Your promise that our prayer is heard and we, as Your beloved children, will receive what is best from Your hand. In Jesus precious name we pray, Amen.

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I can’t wait to hear your thoughts, and I pray your day overflows with love and blessings.

💖 Lisa