
Sunday, November 20, 2022

Seeking Higher Ground -Psalm 61

 Psalm 61, Proverbs 20:28

When storms rage and the flood waters rise, the wisest advice is always to seek higher ground. Because the higher we climb, the more distance we put between us and the howling winds, the safer we become. And there’s no safer place to be than sheltered in the tent of the Lord.

As a military man, David knew well the advantages of building a fortress high atop a mountain. From making the tower practically impenetrable by an enemy, to providing a high altitude for archers to shoot farther, strongholds built on a rocky hill provided the best defense. So when David was at his lowest, feeling alone, overwhelmed, and drowning in the rising waters, he knew the best thing to do was seek higher ground.

For David that higher ground was the refuge of God. The Lord was his "higher Rock,” his unshakable foundation that had never failed. And during times when we feel overwhelmed, we have the same privilege of sheltering in the refuge of God. Because when we trust in Him, no matter the strength or size of the storm, God goes before us making our paths straight. For as Deuteronomy 33:26 reminds us, “There is none like God, O Jeshurun, who rides through the heavens to your help, through the skies in His majesty. The eternal God is your dwelling place, and underneath are the everlasting arms."

With everything happening in the world today, it’s easy for our hearts to become overwhelmed. And although we have no control over what happens around us, we can control how we react. We can either cower and hide, living a life of worry and fear. Or we can trust in God who promises that those who put their faith in Him and not the world, can dwell forever in His fortress of peace and joy. 

King David was protected by a mighty army. But even he knew better then to place his security in chariots and soldiers. Only God could lead him to triumph over any and all foes. For the Lord was David’s "tower of strength against the enemy." (v.3) And He’s ours as well. So when we, like David, feel overwhelmed and as if we are drowning, all we need do is seek high shelter. Because from His mighty fortress, God promises to not just merely keep our heads above water, but allow us to sail through the storm with hearts of thankfulness and lips that sing His praises. 

Pause and Reflect -

Do you find yourself increasingly tired, frustrated, and burdened? Have you laid the great weight of that burden at God’s feet and  rested in His tent of peace? 

During a storm of life has God come through for you? Answered prayer? Shown his power and kindness? And, if so, do you use those instances to fuel your faith in trusting God as your unshakable fortress? 

Finally let’s pray together

Our dearest Father in heaven above, hallowed be Thy name. Father we know that during times of trials, You hear the cries of Your children’s hearts. So no matter where we are, even when we are far from home, we will cry out to you for help. For when we are feeble and overwhelmed by life, Father we trust in You to guide us into your glory where we are safe and sheltered. Lord, you are a paradise of protection to all who love You. From Your mighty fortress You lift us high above the fray. And we thank You that no foe can touch us when we dwell in the tent of Your presence. In Jesus precious name we pray, Amen 

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I can’t wait to hear your thoughts, and I pray your day overflows with love and blessings.
