
Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Handling The Ziphites In Our Lives - Psalm 54

Psalm 54, 2 Samuel 12:1-24 

Just before His arrest and Crucifixion, Jesus dropped some bombshells on His disciples. He warned them about His upcoming death, the betrayal of one of His own, and Peter’s denials. Yet the Lord also comforted them with these words. “Do not let your heart be troubled.” (John 14:1) How could their hearts not be troubled after hearing that kind of news? Because rather than being the end, Jesus’ death was the beginning of some wonderful blessings.

After being anointed the next king of Israel, David learned firsthand about betrayal. Not only was he hunted by Saul, a man he loved dearly, but David was also betrayed by his own kinsman. Twice David came to his fellow Israelites in the city of Ziph to hide from Saul. And twice the Ziphites betrayed him by revealing where he was hiding. Yet David’s heart was not troubled. For he had already experienced some wonderful blessings from God. And David knew this time would be no exception. 

We all have Ziphites in our lives. Those close to us we turn to in times of trouble, who then use that trouble as a weapon against us. To our face they comfort, encourage, and commiserate as loved ones and friends do. But behind our backs they gossip, spread rumors, and stir up others against us. Often passive aggressive, their words are sweet, while they devise evil in their hearts. But by following the example of David and leaving our vindication to the Lord, we too can have hearts that aren’t troubled by the betrayal of others. 

David didn’t seek his own retribution. Instead he trusted in God’s faithfulness to perfectly fight for him, silence his critics, and use his pain for good. Because just like Joseph, who was betrayed by his family, what his brothers meant for harm, God used for a good greater than anyone could have dreamed possible. (Gen. 50:20) 

David also considered the source. Those who delight in betrayal and slander, Christians or not, don’t have a right relationship with God. And if they have a lack of regard for the Lord, they surely aren’t going to respect His people. Finally, David praised God for the victory he was sure to receive. For he knew the Lord promises to go before us to secure the triumph. And because of that surety, David willingly sacrificed his anger, fear, ego, and need for vengeance, laying them all at God’s feet. 

We waste so much time and energy fighting battles that are God’s alone. The Lord delivered David mightily against Saul, the Ziphites, and every other enemy. And if we’ll let Him, God will defeat the Ziphites in our lives as well! 

Pause and Reflect -

When persecution strikes and enemies surround you, do you take matters into your own hands? Do you dole out your own vengeance, crying out for retribution? Or do you keep your tongue still and your eyes on God? 

In verse 7 David credits the Lord with his deliverance “from every trouble.” Sometimes that deliverance was miraculous. Other times it came as God worked through David’s efforts to bring an end to his trouble. Think over the last couple of days. How has God delivered you “from every trouble?” 

Finally lets pray together

Our dearest Father in heaven above, hallowed be Thy name. O, Father how we thank you for Your faithfulness. When others hurt and betray us, You are always perfectly trustworthy. And when others fail, we can rely on Your never ending love. Father you know well the pain of betrayal and the hurt it causes. But instead of seeking our own justice, Father we pray for Your peace, perspective, and self control. May we hand the reins of vengeance over to You, who promises to deliver us from every trouble. Father in You alone can we have hearts of peace. For You are our Helper, and Sustainer of our souls. May we rest in Your love and trust in Your goodness all the days of our lives. In Jesus precious name we pray, Amen. 

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I can’t wait to hear your thoughts, and I pray your day overflows with love and blessings. Love Lisa 💖