
Sunday, October 9, 2022

My Future Is In Your Hands - Psalm 31


Psalm 31, Luke 23:44-46, 1 Peter 3:10-13

One of the age old questions asked about God is how a loving Father could allow suffering in this world. I mean for the evil to suffer is one thing. But how could our Father let us, His precious children, become broken in pain and filled with sorrow? Look at David. He is called by God Himself a man after His own heart.(Acts 13:22) Yet even he was not immune to suffering. For his life story too is one of tragedy and triumphs, successes and failures. 

In writing the Psalms, many times David was grieved to the point of physical pain. I can sure relate. Because I too have felt such grief that not only did I feel mentally, but physically sick as well. Times when my heart literally ached and I couldn’t breathe, or take another step. Hurting so much that all I could do was drop to my knees in agony and cry out, “Father!” And also like David, I have received the loving, comforting care of my soul that comes from my Heavenly Father. A care that only He can provide.

Sadly, as long as there is sin there will be suffering. And this side of heaven we may not understand the reason behind God letting it in our lives. But like David, we can trust that no matter the suffering we endure, God always has a purpose for our pain. I think of Jesus. Satan appeared before Him in the wilderness and offered Jesus the crown without the Cross. (Matthew 4:8) Christ could have walked away from the cup of agony He was about to drink. But Jesus chose to suffer. To see the Father’s will done no matter the cost. And because of what He endured, we are now blessed with the gift of eternal life.

Our suffering too can be a blessing for others. 2 Corinthians 1:4 tells us that we who have suffered and received God’s comfort, can pass that same comfort on to others. For who better to empathize than someone who has suffered from the same cause? And who better to testify of the care, love, and comfort God gives during suffering than someone who has experienced it first hand?

We will all have painful times. But our future is held securely in the hands of the One who controls the storms. No matter what we face, God will be there as our impenetrable fortress every step of the way. So trust in His perfect wisdom. And cling to His beautiful promise to, “Comfort all who mourn, giving them a garland instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the mantle of praise instead of a spirit of fainting, so they will be called oaks of righteousness.” (Is. 61:3) 

Pause and Reflect -

Do you trust in God and His perfect wisdom? Romans 8:28 tells us God uses all things for our good. Do you believe that? Has God taken a suffering and turned it into a blessing in your own life? 

Even through his suffering, David found great joy knowing God cared about each and every problem he faced. Can you find joy in the midst of suffering knowing God cares? How does the Lord’s steadfast, loyal love bring you peace in your pain?

Finally, let’s pray together -

Our dearest Father in heaven above, hallowed be thy name. Father, You are our rock and fortress. And in we find our joy. We know that while we are on this earth Father, we will face our share of trials, suffering, and hurt. But through it all we trust in Your goodness, promises, and love. Lord we pray that You will lead and guide us through the twists and turns of life, comforting us along the way. And we thank You that no matter what we face, Your grace is sufficient. Like David, Father we have taken refuge in You. And for Your righteous name's sake, May you graciously deliver us out of the difficulties we face. In Jesus’ precious name we pray, Amen. 

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I can’t wait to hear your thoughts, and I pray your day overflows with love and blessings.

💕 Lisa