
Sunday, October 2, 2022

Declare Me Innocent, O Lord! - Psalm 26

 Psalm 26, Exodus 40:34-35

It hurts when we are condemned and convicted for something we didn’t do. And trying to prove our innocence can be frustrating and futile. Because no matter how we plead, or the truth before set them, some people will never believe our faultlessness. Furthermore, as was the case with Saul, will always see themselves as the victim. 

In such situations there is no winning. And so instead of wasting time proving our innocence, or taking matters into our own hands and risk sinning against God, we need to follow David’s lead. Bringing our case before God and declaring, “The Lord therefore be judge and decide between you and me; and may He see and plead my cause and deliver me from your hand.” (1 Sam. 24:15)

David had full faith in God’s steadfast love, ability to declare David innocent, and the doling out of the perfect punishment. And when we come before the Lord with a truly clear conscience and unjustly accused, we too can have that same confidence. Oh our victory might not come in the way we want, or in our desired timing, but it will come.

Until then we need to keep our feet firmly planted, walking the path of integrity. Integrity can be described as honesty and adherence to a pattern of good works. Or the condition of being without blemish, sincere, sound, upright, and whole. This was the life David lived and why he was so secure in presenting his case before God. Of course he made mistakes, as we all do. But each day he intentionally walked with God. Each day his heart and lips overflowed with songs of praise and thanksgiving. And each day he bowed before the Lord in confession and repentance. 

So the next time you find yourself falsely accused and on trial for a crime you didn’t commit, don’t go to Judge Judy, go to God. Because there is only one lawgiver and judge. (James 4:12) And if He calls us innocent, no one can condemn us! (Rom. 8:33-34)

Pause and Reflect -

We can only come before God pleading innocence if we truly are blameless. Has bitterness or anger blinded you to ways in which your hands may be dirty? Ask God to search your heart, “testing your motives and affections.” (Ps. 26:2)

Are you walking a path of integrity? I heard a minister once say, “If you’re displaying a bumper sticker on your car, or wearing a cross around your neck and publicly declaring yourself a Christian, you’d better be walking the walk, not just talking the talk! “ We all fail daily. But when you fall are you quick to get out of the weeds and back on God’s path? 

Finally, let’s pray together,

Our dearest Father in heaven above, hallowed be Thy name. Father, we thank You for this study and the encouraging witness we have in the life of David. May we never forget that Your plans and purposes are working out for our eternal benefit and for Your greater glory. May we trust Father in your steadfast love, especially during those times when we face hurt, betrayal, false accusations, and disappointments. Father when all declare us guilty, may we cling to You who declares us innocent, trusting in Your goodness and perfect, divine judgement. And each day Father may we come to Your altar in thanksgiving, praise, and prayer that we may be testimonies of lives who trust in God alone. In Jesus’ precious name we pray….Amen 

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I can’t wait to hear your thoughts, and I pray your day overflows with love and blessings.

💕 Lisa