
Sunday, October 23, 2022

Better or Bitter - Psalm 41

Psalm 41, Hebrews 10:1-10

I read a quote that warned, “not everyone you fight is your enemy. And not everyone who helps you is your friend.” Throughout our lives we will experience hurt, betrayal, and disappointment at the hands of others. And in those moments we have a choice to make. Will that pain make us better or bitter? 

Better is using the hurt to grow closer to the Lord, and softening our hearts to the pain and needs of others. Bitter does just the opposite. It takes glee in retribution and seeing others misfortune. Bitter turns a blind eye to the suffering of another because its focus is only on self pity. King David had much cause to be callus, cruel, and uncaring. Yet because he had a heart that sought after God’s, he made the choice to be better. For he knew that to receive blessings and mercy, he had to give blessings and mercy.

We all fall short and sin daily against God. Yet from His wonderful love, He extends to us His unmerited grace and mercy. And when we have been sinned against, God calls us to show that same grace and mercy. To repay evil with kindness, curses with blessings, and mistreatment with prayer. (Luke 6:27-28) And most importantly of all, if we see a need to meet that need. Because if we do, in return we are promised some pretty amazing things!

David says that if we care for the needy we can cry out, “O, Lord, be gracious to me.” (Ps. 41:4) And our God will deliver the victory in our own day of trouble. Our enemies, try as they might, will find only discouragement because God will protect us from their wickedness. The  blessings we receive will be so bountiful, they will be known around the world. And during times of sickness, we will have by our side the Great Physician. Who with His loving arms, will hold and sustain us! 

We all know that actions speak louder than words. As Christians, hearing and knowing God’s Word is vital. But even more important is putting that Word into action. Because if as believers we aren’t actively out demonstrating the Lord’s goodness through loving acts, charity, and edifying speech, than we become ineffective witnesses for the Lord. And worse yet, we miss out on receiving God’s best for our lives. For as Jesus taught, “When you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous” (Luke 14:13-14) So in times of hurt what will you choose? To be better or to be bitter? 

Pause and Reflect

Has a trusted friend disappointed you, perhaps even betrayed you? Did that pain push you toward or away from God? Do you truly believe the Lord will never disappoint or betray you? How do you know? 

How do you treat others? Before we can claim God’s promises, we must examine our own hearts to see if we have sincerely met the conditions the Lord has given. Whether it be with time, acts of service, or money, are you actively looking to meet the needs of the suffering? 

Finally let’s pray, 

Our dearest Father in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Father we know that it is Your will to help those that are afflicted, to support the weak, provide for the widows and orphans, and help those that are in need. May our eyes be open to the suffering around us. And may our hearts be open to hearing and obeying Your call. Father use our hands to help the hurting. And use our voices to speak words of healing and encouragement to those that are afflicted and in distress. Oh Father You are our great Healer, Comforter, and Way Maker. May we demonstrate Your love and goodness to a hurting world. And instead of angry, bitter hearts of stone, Father replace them with hearts like Jesus. Ones that want to love and give as generously as You do. For Father our greatest desire is to lead lives that both glorify and are pleasing to You. So we praise and give thanks to the God of Israel who has always been and will always be. In Jesus’ precious name we pray, Amen.

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I can’t wait to hear your thoughts, and I pray your day overflows with love and blessings.

💕 Lisa