
Sunday, September 11, 2022

Should A Woman Like Me Flee? - Psalm 11


Psalm 11, John 14:6

When my husband is on vacation from work, we take that time for projects around the house or to get away, just the two of us. So on his recent vacation when he told me he’d really like to spend some time working in his pole barn, which in fairness does need some attention, my immediate reaction was hurt and anger. How dare he not stick to the plan! And why was it so easy for him to just cast aside spending time with me? I was going show him! So I decided to give him the silent treatment and spend the day doing little jobs on my own.

After a couple of hours of fuming and complaining to the Lord, I couldn’t stand it any longer. So I tracked him down and demanded to know why he wasn’t bothered by my silence. “You’re not talking to me?”, asked. “I thought you just busy doing your own thing. Wait, are you mad at me?” He looked at me with such honesty and confusion, I knew he genuinely didn’t have a clue I was upset, let alone why I was upset. I felt so silly and convicted at that moment, I couldn’t help but laugh. We sat down to talk. And like I should have done at the start, instead of running away in anger, I told him how I felt. 

Relationships take work. Whether it’s our relationship with God or others, they need a foundation of trust, honesty, love, and repentance to stand strong. Satan is in the business of tearing down, not building up. And he loves nothing more than to form cracks in those foundations through harsh words, misunderstandings, and unforgiving spirits. So when we flee from our problems instead of dealing with them head on, it opens the door for the Enemy to do his worst. 

When Nehemiah was facing an assignation threat, his friends advised him to hide out in the temple. But he replied, “Should a man like me flee?” (Neh. 6:11) David and Nehemiah both understood that as believers, instead of sinning against God by running away, we should always face every problem head on. Standing firm in the faith that the Lord will uphold the righteous. And believing He will give us the power to confront each one in courage and wisdom. I could have saved my heart a lot of hurt that day if instead of taking refuge in my anger, I would have taken refuge in the wisdom of God. 

Pause and Reflect

Not counting fear of physical safety, have you been in a situation with another where your first response is to flee? To wash your hands of that person or situation without first trying to reconcile with love, understanding and grace? What if God treated us this way?

Have you been trying to control challenges and challenging people in your own strength and in your own way? Or have you unhardened your heart, surrendering your fears and problems to the Lord? Has trusting God, laying everything at His feet and allowing Him to work in the situation produced results in the past? 

Finally, let’s pray together….

Dearest Father, 

Each day we encounter difficult times and difficult people. And so we humbly come before You asking for Your hand of support during these situations. Father, mold us to be kind and tenderhearted. Give us hearts of Jesus, so that we are slow to anger and quick to forgive. Empower us to stop the Devil in his tracks from gaining footholds in our relationships. Father, cleanse our hearts from all bitterness and anger, filling them with compassion and true Agape love for one another. You are our refuge and our strength; O Lord; our ever present help in trouble. Please guard our hearts, minds, and mouths. For our trust is in Your love which never fails, and Your power that knows no boundaries. In Jesus precious name we pray, Amen

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I can’t wait to hear your thoughts, and I pray your day overflows with love and blessings.

💕 Lisa