
Monday, August 22, 2022

What Does it Mean to be a Woman After God’s Own Heart?


Have you ever wondered what character qualities David possessed that qualified him, in God's eyes, to be a man after God's own heart? Have you longed to possess all those same qualities in your own faith walk? 

I have! I would love to be known by God as a woman after God's own heart!  

I believe when God is looking for a woman after His own heart, He is searching for a woman like you and me, who does not merely love Him, no it goes much deeper than that.

I believe He is also looking for women who share the same qualities He found in David (1 Samuel 13:14).  God is searching for a woman:

  • Who has given her heart to her Lord completely and is wholly surrendered to His authority . 
  • Whose love for God is both fierce and tender at times.  
  • She is a woman who desires to do God’s will no matter the cost. 
  • She’s a God chaser, who can say, 
As the deer pants for the water brooks, so pants my soul for You, O God. My soul thirsts … for the living God” (Ps. 42:1-2).

 A woman after God's heart is one who is far from perfect, but her heart keeps pursuing the only One who is. 

She is a worshipper, whose life is in perfect harmony with the Lord. 

  • What is important to God is important to her. 
  • What burdens Him, burdens her. 
  • She is one who is listening and looking for God guidance. 

She is also one who has put her past behind her; accepting God's forgiveness and is eager to discover all that lies ahead. 

  • She is transparent with her struggles as well as her victories. One who seeks the help of others and also seeks to come alongside to encourage and give hope!
  • She love others with the same compassion as the Lord shares for others and seeks to help those in need. 
The truth is, I am barely scratching the surface of all the qualities a woman after God's own heart possesses, for her qualities are as infinite as our Lord's are!

 Which is why I'm so excited to be taking the next few months and reading through the Psalms to discover, study, and pray for all the qualities we can find hidden throughout the Psalms. 

I hope you'll come along on this journey with us this year, for I believe the more of us who are searching the Psalms together, the more we will find! And as we meditate and pray for, and practice these same qualities we will be so much better for it when we're done!! 

Study Details:

Monday through Friday we’ll be reading one Psalm each day, plus a daily devotional that will go along with each psalm. Then on the weekend, we'll be posting an exercise helping us wrap up the week.
The goal of this study, is to grow more deeply and intimate in love with our Lord and to be able to confidently trust Him in the difficult times.

So grab your Bibles, and tell your friends. And join us as we go through the Psalms and develop a deeper connection with God, our Creator, Father, and Friend!

Our study, Becoming a Women After God's Own Heart- A Study Through the Psalms begins on Monday, August 29th on Women in the Word FB page. Click the link and ask to join! 

There will be lots of us there to welcome you!
