
Sunday, August 28, 2022

Blessed Is The Woman - Psalm 1


Today's Reading - Psalm 1, Matthew 5:3-11

When I was little I loved going to church with my Grandma. I so enjoyed seeing all the women with their pretty dresses, nodding along with the Pastor, singing the hymns, and greeting everyone with a loving, “Good morning.” To me they were the perfect picture of the Christian woman. And oh how I wanted to be like them. So imagine my disappointment when I later found these same women gathered together around cups of coffee gossiping and criticizing others. 

We all want to be blessed by God. God wants that too. But that won’t happen if we’re rooted in the wickedness of the world, being fed by the sins of the flesh, and producing worthless, worldly fruit. The way we live our lives, not the words we speak, are the true testimonies of our hearts. And every eye is watching; especially God’s. So to receive His very best, we need to be women after God’s own heart. 

This means uprooting ourselves from the sinful soil of this earth, being replanted on the riverbank of God’s living water. There we can be nourished day and night with His goodness and love. Our leaves will forever be lush and beautiful. And never will our tree be barren, but always produce sweet, bountiful fruit pleasing to the Lord. 

That day at church those women didn’t know it, but far from showing the heart of God they exposed the roots of a heart fostered by flesh and rooted in barren soil. And the fruit they produced tasted bitter to a young girl watching, along with the Lord, the watcher of the godly. 

Pause and Reflect - The Psalmist tells us that a blessed woman thinks about God’s Law day and night. We can only do this if we know what the Bible says. How much time daily are you spending in His Word?

God warns us that walking beside the wrong crowd leads to standing with them, sitting with them, and finally taking on their lifestyle. Who is influencing you? Who are you influencing? Is the influence for good or evil?

Finally, let’s prayer together,

“Heavenly Father, thank You for the beautiful description of the woman who is like a tree firmly planted by streams of living water, producing the fruit of righteousness and being blessed by Your never-failing provision. I pray that I will not walk in the wickedness of the world nor compromise my Christian faith. Instead may I be a woman after Your own heart, rooted deeply in Your truth, and providing a loving testimony of Your kindness, mercy, and glory.  In Jesus precious name we pray, Amen.”

I can’t wait to hear your thoughts, and I pray your day overflows with love and blessings.

❤️ Lisa