
Monday, May 9, 2022

God Sees Each Heart

 I believe the words in 1 Samuel were written for people like me- those who feel they may never measure up to their own expectations, let alone others'! And there were others like David that I found  in the Bible that God chose to use! Those like, 

  • Moses, murdered an Egyptian and ran away, but God used him mightily to bring His people out of Egypt!
  • Jacob was a deceiver, but God created the nation Israel through him. 
  • Rahab was a prostitute, but God used her to help bring His people into Canaan.
  • David was just a boy, but God chose him to be King over Israel.
In fact, when you truly begin to examine each of the lives mentioned in God's Word, I don't believe you'll find one perfect person except Jesus, but God choses to use us misfit, imperfect people anyway. I'll never understand why He does, for He truly doesn't need us to accomplish anything, but 1 Samuel 16:7 gives us a clear indication as to who He chooses to use to accomplish His work, 
...Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for God does not see as man sees, since man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

It's truly comes down to our heart. Does our heart beat for Him? Is it willing to surrender and yield itself to Jesus, or is it still demanding its own way? 

What can God do with a surrendered heart? Everything! 

 Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or thinkaccording to the power that works within us," (Ephesians 3:20 emphasis mine)

God can do more through you than you can even dream up! Imagine that! 

 What can we do on our own? Nothing!

 "Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:4-5 emphasis mine)

Nothing of any eternal value, anyway. Why is it we think we need to be good enough, wealthy enough, smart enough... when God says all I need is your heart surrendered to Me? 

This makes me think of a story I once heard of a wealthy, but fugal widow who one day decided to be one of the first homes in the area to install electricity. Several weeks after the installation, a meter reader appeared at her door. He asked if her electricity was working well, and she assured him it was. 
“I’m wondering if you can explain something to me then,” he said. “Your meter shows scarcely any usage. Are you using your power?”

“Certainly,” she answered. “Each evening when the sun sets, I turn on my lights just long enough to light my candles; then turn them off.”

Her home was connected to this amazing power, but she failed to utilize it. I liken this to those who have accepted Jesus for their final destination (salvation), but have never trusted Him with their destiny. The power is there, but they're still getting by on our own strengths. 

Imagine what might happen if we not only tapped into His power, but left it on! 

It's almost as easy as flicking the switch. Just a matter of surrendering and inviting Him to come in and take charge, sitting back and watching Him go to work. That's really it! We humans like to complicate things and make them out to be more difficult than they really are, when The Lord has made it very simple really. 

Is there something He has been calling you to do? Something you would love to do, only you haven't quite figured out how? Or, just maybe He wants to do in you something you haven't even thought of yet!!! Just imagine! 

Are you willing to invite Him to take over? 

I truly cannot wait to see all He will do through you!

