
Sunday, April 10, 2022

Traces Of A Modern Day Judas - Matthew 27:1-5

 Matthew 27:1-5

As one of the 12 disciples personally chosen by Jesus, Judas Iscariot was part of the inner sanctum. Yet the Bible tells us Judas was a devil, thief, unbeliever, and spiritually unclean. And as we all know, most famous for the betrayal of Jesus. So why, knowing all of this beforehand, did the Lord pick him? And more importantly, is there any Judas in us?

Even before He came to be the sacrifice for our sins, Jesus knew all it would entail, and all He would have to endure. Yet willingly and joyfully, the Lamb of God came. He came to perfectly fulfill the plans of the Father. Even though sadly, part of those plans included Jesus being betrayed. That’s why, in perfect obedience, the Lord chose Judas. A man who stole from the poor, betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver, and ultimately hung himself in the potter’s field. But before we are quick to condemn, we should examine our own hearts. And look for any traces that might reveal a modern day Judas in us. 

The story of Judas teaches that an outward profession doesn’t mean genuine faith. We can play and look the part of a Christian, confessing all day long with our lips that Jesus is Lord. But unless we truly believe it in our hearts, and show it with our actions, we will not inherit eternal life. Judas also shows the destruction caused by the love of money and power. Because of his greed and desire of the worldly things money could buy, Judas committed the ultimate betrayal. That’s why the Bible warns us to run from the love of money and the deceitfulness of riches. For we can’t serve God and greed. And finally Judas painfully displays the difference between being sorry and repentant. Judas’ tragic end came not through regret of his actions, but because of the consequences they brought. His heart wasn’t grieved or repentant over the sin He committed against the Lord. 

Many are the lessons we can learn from the disgraced disciple. Because if we’re honest, we too have sinned and at times betrayed the Lord. But if we come before Christ in search of humble forgiveness, and in true repentance, the Lord is quick to forgive and restore. So today I challenge you to look deep inside. Do you go to church and with your mind say Jesus is Lord but not with your heart? Do you call Him King only as a way to achieve your own throne? Or do you thank Him from a heart overflowing for His great love, sacrifice, and gift of eternal life? 

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