
Wednesday, April 20, 2022



As we read today's scripture (John 19:25-27),  we find Jesus in a terrible agony and with a deep concern in his heart!!  He knows all that Mary and his followers are suffering at the feet of His cross… and He knows their fears, too!  He wants His loved ones to be cared for and to be ONE in Him, just as He had prayed to His Father in John 17:20-21

“I do not pray for these alone [it is not for their sake only that I make this request], but also for [all] those who [will ever] believe and trust in Me through their message, 21 that they all may be one; just as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be one in Us, so that the world may believe [without any doubt] that You sent Me.

When Jesus asked John to care for his mother Mary, John quickly accepted this responsibility to take Mary home with him to care for her as his own mother (v.27). John’s love for Jesus led him to accept this responsibility for Mary. John took Jesus’ place in Mary’s life and became a son to her in His place.

"Author R. Earl Allen shares an interesting thought on the word “Behold” in verse 27 as Jesus addressed John. “Jesus was using the Jewish form of a contract of marriage.” He replaced the standard ‘husband’ and ‘wife’ language for the words ‘mother’ and ‘son’ “making this binding relationship.” Jesus challenges John “My relationship with those to whom I am joined in covenant is to be considered of more value than the relationship with a brother with whom I may have shared the womb." As Jesus, hanging on the cross, enters into covenant relationship with John, he invites John to enter a covenant relationship with Him.” (Dale Pilgrim- Sermon Central)

 I love these challenging quotes that best explain this:

-“If you and I have come to the cross, we have a big responsibility – the responsibility of loving the Lord Jesus and then living for the Lord Jesus and loving others.” (Warren Wiersbe)

- “those who love Christ best shall have the honor of taking care of His church and His poor.” To the Bible’s indication that “from that hour {John} took her into his own household” Spurgeon says to us, “You expected him to do it, did you not? He loved his Lord so well.”

-“ This is a challenge to those who stand in the name of Christ, to those who stand under the protection of the cross of Jesus and say, ‘Lord, I am yours.’ Then Jesus has a right to say to us, ‘Treat the world as I would treat them. Say the words that I would say. Do the things that I would do. If you will not do it for their sake, do it for my sake!’” (R. Earl Allen)

Before I close I would like for us to meditate on these words from John Piper:

Paul said in Acts 20:28 that Christ "purchased the church of God with his own blood." Therefore, one of the gifts Jesus gave to us from the cross was the church: a loving, caring, sustainsustaining, encouraging family beyond family. And it is a great encouragement to our faith that he illustrates the meaning of the church the way he did in the relationship between John and Mary. If Jesus could provide for the needs of his own in the moment of his greatest weakness and humiliation, how much more can he provide for your need in his present wealth of power and exaltation. And if Jesus purchased the church with his own blood and ordained that in it bereft mothers find sons and sons find mothers, then no one should be without a caring family today in the body of Christ. Amen.”

May this be our deep concern, too!

