
Sunday, April 24, 2022

All Things Working Together - Romans 8:28

Romans 8:28

This world, ruled by Satan, is filled with evil. And each day grows darker than the one before. That’s why every fiber of my being cries out for the return of Jesus. Oh how I long for my glorified body, and to dwell with the Lord forever. Because let’s face it. This side of heaven is a tough place to be. 

Jesus Himself promised rocky times for His followers dwelling on earth. (2Tim. 3:12) And there’s not a single one of us who hasn’t been touched by suffering or faced trials. But the apostle Paul also gives us another promise. Everything we go through, God will use for good for those who love Him.

Still, it can be hard trying to see the good in a bad situation. But our eyes are not God’s. And where we are blind, He sees everything from start to finish. All God asks, is that we trust in the uniquely wonderful plan He has for each of us. In patience, to continue loving, obeying, and praising Him, in good times and bad. Remembering that while we wait for Jesus, neither a smile nor a tear is wasted. 

As a home cook, I love the analogy of all things in our lives, good and bad, compared to a recipe. Each experience we go through is an important ingredient needed to produce a delicious outcome. God is our Master Chef. And He knows the perfect combination of events which will lead to amazing results beyond our imagining! A perfect helping of blessings, paired with a heaping side of love, joy, and peace!

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