
Thursday, March 3, 2022

Friday March 4th-Call upon the Lord



Lord it seems as though everything around us is unstable.  So many rules and regulations…which is the right one?  Help us not to listen to the world or be conformed to it.  Jesus, Your our High Priest who has endured all the temptations that we endure throughout our lives.  We cry out to You to help us to be strong in You, Lord and in the strength of Your might.  We know that we can boldly come before Your throne of grace and ask You for mercy and grace in our time of need.  We know that You hear us and You will answer us in Your will.  Lord, we lift before You ________________________ and we wait expectantly to see what You will do.  While we are waiting increase our faith in You so that we may be perfect and complete lacking in nothing.  Keep us in Your word daily and at Your feet.  Amen!

Selah,                                                                                              Lyn