
Thursday, March 17, 2022

Friday March 18th-Pray and do not lose heart!


Father, we come before you with humbleness of heart.  There are many burdens that we are all facing.  We ask You for peace in our situations as only You can give.  We lift up before you [___________] and ask that You intervene.  Some of our requests we are still waiting on and while we are waiting let us not grow weary and lose heart.  We know that You are a God who hears and answers according to Your will.  You are the God who moves mountains and nothing is impossible with you.  We know whom we believe and are convinced that You are able to guard what we have entrusted to You.  Lord You are near to all who call upon You in truth.  You will fulfill the desires of those who fear You.  We say to You, Lord, You are our God.  You are the strength of our salvation.  We give You thanks for You are good and Your steadfast love is everlasting!  Amen

